New Patient Registration
If you live within our practice area you can register with us. Our reception staff will be happy to guide you through the procedure.
You can download the patient registration form HERE
Then bring this to the Practice in person to register.
We’ll need proof of your address to confirm you live within the area we cover.
We’ll need to see two forms of ID from you – one with your photograph, such as a passport or driver’s licence, and one with your address, such as a recent utility bill or bank statement.
As a guide, these places form our practice boundary:
Crarae Gardens, Minard
Ardtilligin, by Tarbert
Lochmelfort Hotel, Kilmelford
Portnasherrich, Lochawe
Cretshengan, by Ormsary
All new patients are asked to provide proof of any current medication, so we have an accurate record of any medication you are taking and can ensure your prescriptions are up to date.
You can receive medical treatment from the date you register.
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide below.
A Patient Guide to GP Services