Repeat Prescriptions
You need to contact the surgery, during reception hours but after 10.30. On your repeat prescription slip (the right side of your previous prescription) there will be the names of the repeat prescriptions. Please inform the receptionist which of the treatments are required. If you no longer need to take any of those listed please update the receptionist.
Alternatively you can register for our online service and order via the link at the top of this page.
We request that you give us at least 48 hours notice to enable us to get your prescription ready. However if you have no medication left and it is essential to have it that day then please inform us and we will endeavour to issue the prescription by the end of the day
Electronic Prescription Service
We also offer the EPS system which allows you to nominate your chosen pharmacy so that they can order your repeat prescription through this service. The benefits of this service are:
- If you collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription, saving time.
- You will have more choice about where to get your medicines from because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop.
- You may not have to wait as long as your repeat prescriptions could be prepared before you arrive.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year or receive a phone call from our practice pharmacist to review your regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
When asked to come into the surgery, please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.