Repeat Prescriptions

Patients on regular medication may send a fax on 811921, order via their chemist of choice, email us on or leave a written request at reception giving at least four - five working days' notice. If requesting a posted prescription please send a stamped, addressed envelope.
Alternatively use the patient access app to request your repeat prescription via your phone, tablet or PC. Ask at reception on how to access this service. These will also take two working days to process.
Any requests must be completed very carefully to prevent errors and please remember to only order those medications which you require. You may also use the pharmacist to request repeat prescriptions
Requests may also be left at the Jurby surgery.
All repeat prescriptions will be on our computer. Computer-printed prescriptions have tear-off strips which may be used as requests for the next prescription.
We regret we are unable to accept repeat prescription requests by phone. This is to ensure the accuracy of requests and to free the busy telephone lines for appointments and possible emergencies.
In line with Health Service guidance we only issue for 2 months medication maximum at a time and usually only when it is due. If you require medication early because of a holiday please add details of this to your request and we will try and oblige.
If you have to pay for several items it may be cheaper to buy a prepayment certificate. Your chemist can advise you. See the link in the forms tab to download the form.
Click here for more information about prescription charges.
Medication Reviews
Please note the Ramsey Group Practice is reviewing its prescribing policy in line with best practice guidance.
Crontrolled drugs - these will only be issued in 28 day quantities and some will only be issued in quantities of 100 despite the dosage. This is to minimize dependency and the risks associated with it.
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.