Repeat Prescriptions

Information for Pharmacy Christmas Opening Hours

You may order your repeat prescription by any of the following:

  • Ordering online via the link at the top of this page.
  • Leaving your itemised computer slip with the pharmacy of your choice (in Stanley) and they will drop it off at the surgery for us to process, then collect the following day
  • Leaving your tear off slip in the box on the wall or with our receptionist

Prescriptions handed to the surgery before 12 noon will be ready for collection after 1pm the following day.

Medication Reviews

All medication on repeat prescription needs to be reviewed at least annually by a GP. You may receive a request to come in for a review. Similarly, we may indicate to you that you require something else (e.g. blood pressure or cholesterol review) therefore would be grateful if you could make an appointment if requested to do so.

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