Repeat Prescriptions

To prevent the surgery phone lines from becoming jammed, we would request that patients refrain from using the telephone to order repeat prescriptions whenever possible.
Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:
- By Hand – drop your repeat slip in at reception with the required items clearly marked.
- By Post – send it to us to arrange collection at the Surgery.
- Online
– if you have already registered for this service, please click the link below and use your Unique Registration Number to request your medication.

- if you are not registered for this service, please click here to print out and complete the Online Services Registration Form and return this to Reception. This system allows you to link directly to the Medication section of your medical record and is a simpler and safer way to order your prescriptions.
Please inform Reception of your local preferred Pharmacy as all requested prescriptions will be sent to the Pharmacy directly.
This online service is only available for patients who are 16 years old and over.
Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Please telephone the surgery if you have any problems.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication may be asked to see either a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse to review these regular medications.