The practice has its own dispensary, as there is no pharmacy in the area. Following your consultation with the doctor or nurse your prescription can be collected at the dispensary. The dispensary is open from 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday. It may be closed for short breaks during the working day. Notices will be on display during these times. Prescriptions that have been ordered can be collected from the main reception desk during these times. Prescriptions can only be collected from the practice premises within advertised opening hours.
Primary Care Pharmacist
The primary care pharmacy team can review your medication, talk to you about how your treatment works, discuss alternatives and how to get the best from your treatment. They offer regular appointments, and also systematically review our practice prescribing.
Repeat Prescriptions
If you require a repeat prescription you can:
1. Telephone the Surgery Dispensary on 01870 603115. An answering machine is in operation for recording your prescription request, please ensure you give the names of the items you require and only order what you need. If you no longer use an item please let us know.
2. Alternatively you can order online from this website. Please go to the link at the top of the page to access this service. We have changed to a more secure system for online repeat prescriptions. Please contact the surgery for a digital services application form. We really like this service - it reduces the time taken to process your requests, and cuts down on errors and queries.
From 1st April 2025 please allow 5 full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account. Thank you.
Medication Reviews
Please note that not all drugs can be repeated and you may be asked to see the doctor, pharmacist or nurse for a medication review. The dispensers will only issue repeat items or items prescribed by a doctor, pharmacist or nurse. Any unused medications should be returned to the surgery for safe disposal. Unopened and in-date medications will be sent to a charity for distribution abroad.
HIS booklet
This booklet has been published by Health Improvement Scotland to help you decide with your doctor what treatment is the most appropriate for you.
Your medicines - What is the right treatment for me?