
Dr David Wright

GP Partner 

BSc. MBBS (London 1987) DGM MRCGP CertFP



Dr Elizabeth Gill

GP Partner

BA (Hons) MBBS (London 1996) MRCGP PGCE



Dr Sarah Perry (f)

GP Partner


Sarah Perry

Dr Emma Costello

Salaried GP

Dr Tilo Schippers (m)

Salaried GP

Dr Carly Jenkinson

Salaried GP

Dr Sabina Spencer

Salaried GP

Dr Tom Lever

Salaried GP

Dr Cassandra Streeter

Salaried GP

Dr Sian Taylor (f)

Salaried GP

Training Practice

We are a training practice. As well as the regular doctors, we sometimes have qualified doctors working with us for up to 12 months, who are learning about general practice. Consultations are sometimes videoed and inspection of medical records is undertaken for training purposes only. We also have assistants who work part time for family reasons and sometimes locum doctors who are employed to cover absence.

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