Transfer of Vaccination services
Please find below information on how to access all vaccinations from March 2023. The vaccination service is being transferred from GP practices in the NHS Highland area from that date and will be delivered by NHS Highland colleagues (adults and children’s vaccines) and by selected pharmacies (travel vaccines).
GP practices will no longer be able to access information regarding appointments etc and enquiries should be directed to the NHSH Service Delivery Centre on 08000 320339.
Helpful links on the NHSH website –
Travel vaccinations https://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/health.../vaccination/
Immunisation https://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/health.../immunisations/
If you are planning to travel outside the UK your travel health needs will depend on your individual situation and the following considerations:
· Your general health
· Where you are travelling to
· Where you will be staying
· How long you will be staying
· What you will be doing throughout your trip.
Lots of useful travel health information is available online from the Fit For Travel Website www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk provided by NHS Scotland. It is important you read through the information available online first before arranging a travel consultation with the Community Pharmacy NHS Highland Travel Health Service.
The NHS Highland Travel Health Service will provide you with all of the information that you require to keep yourself and your family safe. Across Highland there are currently 8 Community Pharmacies providing this specialist NHS Travel Health Service. The ones local to our area are -
· Alness Pharmacy, High Street, Alness - 01349 883444
· Superdrug, High Street, Inverness - 01463 233261
Please contact any of the participating Community Pharmacies to arrange a suitable appointment to allow them to complete a full travel risk assessment. Travel health appointments should ideally take place 8 weeks before you intend on travelling to ensure any vaccinations provided take full effect before your trip.