Public holidays 2024
we will be closed on:
25th and 26th of December.
The surgery will also be closed on 1st and 2nd of January 2025
As usual if you need to see a doctor or nurse during this time please call 111. We will open again as normal the following day.
Public Access Defibrillators
There is a defibrillator in a cabinet on the front wall of the surgery. Available 24 hours per day.
Other Defibrillators are available at:
Mitchell’s chemist available 24 hours per day.
Royal Dornoch Golf Club - during opening hours, accessed via reception
Embo Hub (The old School house) - outside main entrance, available 24 hours per day.
Clashmore Hall. Available 24 hours per day.
Spinningdale. Available 24 hours per day.
Defibrillators are simple to use and lifesaving. Please remember to call 999 for an ambulance to ensure help is on the way.
(Site updated 27/02/2025)