Childhood immunisations are undertaken on Wednesday. These appointments are sent out when due by NHS Fife.
Minor Surgery
Minor surgical procedures can be arranged by special appointment through your doctor.
We offer a full range of contraceptive services including the pill, implants and Depo-provera injections. Emergency contraceptive advice can also be given (this service is also available at the local pharmacy).
Chronic Disease Clinics
Patients with Asthma, Diabetes, COPD, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke and Kidney Disease are invited to attend these clinics which are managed by the nurses on a daily basis. Sometimes you will be asked to have a blood and /or urine test before attending your clinic appointment.
Cervical screening is offered to patients every 3 years between the ages of 25 and 50 and every 5 years from 50 to 65. You will be contacted when this is due and we encourage you to make an appointment with the nurse accordingly. Results will usually be sent to you around 4 weeks after your smear. If you think your smear is overdue you can call the practice and ask reception staff to check.
Breast screening is offered every 3 years from age 50 to 70. A letter will be sent to invite you for this. Beyond the age of 70 breast screening will only be done at your request and this can be arranged by contacting the breast screening service directly.
Bowel screening kits are sent to patients aged 50 to 70 and are to be returned to the address on the envelope. Should you require a replacement kit you can obtain this by contacting the following phone number: 08000 121 833.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening is offered to men aged 65 years and is a one off ultrasound scan. You will receive an invite for this. If it is normal there will be no further follow up scans.