

These vaccinations are now co-ordinated and carried out by the NHS Scotland Vaccinations Team. To find out if you're eligible, and to book an appointment, go onto NHS Inform/Winter Vaccines. If patients are unable to go online, they can phone 0800 030 8013 to book.

Please do not contact the surgery regarding these vaccinations because General Practices are no longer doing vaccines, and our receptionists and clinicians will be unable to answer your questions, thank you.

Clinics & Services

Enhanced Services – Anticoagulant Screening for those on Warfarin; Monitoring of those on Rheumatology Treatments and Minor Surgery.

Chronic Disease Monitoring – clinics are run for those with long-term conditions including Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease. These clinics are usually run separately from the routine consulting times and are staffed by a range of Health Professionals including GPs, Specialist Nurses, Chiropodist and Dieticians as appropriate. Patients are invited to attend these clinics at least annually for a check up and this will often involve having blood tests done then attending the clinic a couple of weeks later when the results are available.

Child Health - Immunisations are now carried out by the NHS Scotland Vaccination Team

Well Person and sexual health - Appointments are available with Dr Sally Darnborough for sexual health issues, intrauterine devices (IUD or coil), contraceptive implants, injections, hormone replacement therapy, smears and general advice. Patients can also be seen by Cathanna Smith, Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Smoking Cessation – We offer smoking cessation appointments with Cathanna Smith, Advanced Nurse Practitioner. If you wish an appointment please contact reception. 

Diet / Lifestyle / Weight Management – Cathanna Smith, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Libby Philand, Health Care Assistant are happy to offer advice and support and can offer regular monitoring if appropriate. Please ask at reception.
For the NHS Highland Dietetic service regarding weight management:
Self referral number: 01546 703124
Self referral email:

Visiting Consultants – Psychiatric Consultants hold a regular clinic in the Health Centre. 

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