Clinics & Services
As well as general medical services we also offer the following
Chronic Disease Management
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Respiratory disease (Asthma Emphysema, Bronchitis, COPD)
- Epilepsy
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Stroke
We aim to review all patients who fall into any of the above categories on an annual basis. You should receive a review letter with your prescription requesting you to make an appointment with either a nurse or a doctor.
We strongly advise you attend for your review as this may prevent complications.
Heart Disease Prevention
We are running a comprehensive heart disease risk-screening programme. You may be asked to come in for a short medical. We aim to screen all of our 15-75 year olds every 5 years. In the interests of your future health please treat these invitations as compulsory! Advice on weight reduction, smoking etc. is still available from the practice nurse although in the interests of patient convenience they are no longer run as specialised sessions.
Other Services
Cervical Smear Tests
We prefer to do these tests ourselves, they can be carried out by either the practice nurse or a doctor. Please inform the receptionist when you are making your appointment that you will be having a smear test. We follow the local policy which advises a smear every 3 years, from the age of 25 to 50, and every 5 years from the age of 50. Unless the cytologist recommends repeating the smear more often or is medically indicated.
Family Planning 
Contraception. This is available from the doctors in normal surgery times. Coils can be fitted in surgery usually by arrangement with Dr Monaghan and Sister Kathleen Daly. We also offer nurse based appointments for repeat prescription of the pill for women who are not having any problems.
Antenatal Clinics
Antenatal Clinics are on Tuesday afternoons. Please be sure to specify if this is your first visit for your current pregnancy.
Postnatal Checks
Practice nurse or midwife who you attended for antenatal care usually carries out postnatal checks in normal surgery hours.
This can be arranged through your doctor. The appointment will usually be at the hospital, or in special instances the physiotherapist may visit you in your home.
Baby Clinic 
Our baby clinic is held on Wednesday mornings. This is for weighing, general advice, immunisations and minor ailments. Our practice nurse, health visitor and one of the doctors are present.
Please note that in order to cut waiting times we now carry out 8-week baby checks and first immunisations by appointment.
Your Health Visitor will contact you regarding your child’s 3½-year check and you will receive a letter about pre-school booster injections.
You may also get your child immunised (by appointment) at any of our nurse’s clinics.
- Children - It is important that your children are fully vaccinated. This may be performed at either our baby clinics or by appointment with the practice nurse or doctor if you prefer. In order to facilitate record keeping, it is helpful that immunisations are undertaken by us and NOT in community clinics.
If it is difficult for you to attend the surgery at the given times alternative arrangements can be made.
- Adults - Are you up to date with your tetanus and polio? If you require routine vaccinations and travel immunisations please make arrangements to see the practice nurse. (See attached insert advice on immunisations).
Travel Information & Vaccinations
Available from our nurses during any of their clinic sessions. Please ensure plenty of time before departure as some vaccinations may need to be given up to 12 weeks prior to departure. Most vaccinations are free of charge.
Minor Surgery (Wednesday 14:00 to 16:00)
Minor skin lesions and warts can be removed. Treatment at the monthly minor surgery clinic can only be arranged by your GP as some lesions are unsuitable for treatment. Treatment is usually cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. There may not be a clinic during very busy periods for example following a bank holiday.