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Welcome to Fintona Medical Centre

With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.

Zero Tolerance Statement

Our staff come to work to care for others, and it is important for all members of the public and our staff to be treated with respect.

We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients.

If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be asked to stop. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients.

In line with the rest of the NHS, and to ensure this is fully observed we have a Zero Tolerance policy, whereby aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


All consulting rooms are on the ground floor and are accessible to wheelchair users. There is also a toilet for the disabled within the medical centre.

Guide dogs for the blind are welcome but no other animals please.

Phone First

A new ‘Phone First’ service has been rolled out to cover the Western Trust’s Altnagelvin and South West Acute Hospital’s Emergency Departments (EDs) and the Urgent Care and Treatment Unit in Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex Hospital, and will run from 08:00am to 12 Midnight 7 days per week.

The ‘Phone First’ service, aims to ensure that patients can get direct access to the right care, avoiding busy waiting rooms and staying safe.”  

“The service is designed for patients, including children, who are feeling unwell and considering travelling to an ED or Minor Injuries Unit with an injury or illness which requires urgent treatment but is not immediately life threatening.


“When you call the ‘Phone First’ service your condition, or that of the person you are calling on behalf of, will be clinically assessed and arrangements made for you to access the most appropriate service to your needs.  At present units in the Western Trust are only offering booked appointments for minor injuries in adults. You may receive telephone advice on minor illness via the phone first service or be directed to see your General Practitioner or to attend ED.


The ‘Phone First’ number to ring is 0300 020 6000


The ‘Phone First’ text relay number is 0870 240 5152

Self referral for Physio

The WHSCT Physiotherapy service have been commissioned by the PHA to implement Direct Access Physiotherapy (self-referral) to its MUSCULOSKELETAL service.

Self-referral is available for adults over 16 who need support and advice to manage symptoms related to muscle strains/joint sprains/back and neck pain. This referral option is not available if you are under the care of a consultant for this problem, or if you have neurological, respiratory and/or continence conditions. If you have pregnancy related pain, please ask your GP/Midwife to refer you to the Pelvic Health/ Women’s Health Physiotherapy Service who do not currently accept self-referrals. Please note this is for patients who live within the Western Trust only.

To access self referral form please copy and paste the link below into your internet browser:


For all emergencies that are life threatening always call 999 immediately. This can include: Stroke, heart attack, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding or major trauma.


(Site updated 28/02/2025)
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