Clinics & Services
In addition to basic primary care we offer the following services to our registered patients:

- Contraceptive Services
- Child Health Surveillance
- Cervical Screening Services
- Well Man appointments
- Repeat medication review
- Physiotherapy services
- Link Support Worker
- Mental health Liaison Worker
MSK Physiotherapy : Launch of our Physiotherapy MSK Website and Self-Referral
The Physiotherapy MSK website is now available for staff and patients. The site can to accessed here. The site hosts comprehensive information on what physiotherapy can offer as well as useful advice and exercises. These exercises and videos provide patients with an easy-to-use guide on how to manage common MSK conditions.
Patients (or friends / relatives on the patient’s behalf) will also be able to complete an online form to self-refer to NHS Lanarkshire Physiotherapy. Please note that, due to well-publicised demand, we are keen that patients are encouraged to trial the self-management advice before self-referring.
The self-referral form can be used by any adult living in Lanarkshire who has an MSK condition. This form will be received by our Physiotherapy team, will be clinically triaged and added to our waiting list.
Patients can self refer to our Occupational Therapist. Please see the video in the link below for information on this service. See below for self referral form.
Self Referral Form
From Friday 1 April 2022, the way you access travel vaccinations will change. Vaccinations previously delivered at GP practices will be the responsibility of NHS Lanarkshire.
These vaccines are:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A and typhoid combined
Revaxis (polio / diphtheria / tetanus)
The consultation and vaccination will continue to be free of charge for people who live in Lanarkshire or who are registered with a Lanarkshire GP practice. For information on the travel vaccination service in other health boards, visit
If you need any of the above vaccines for travel, you can now contact participating community pharmacies directly and staff will advise you of the process.
Please make sure you know the vaccination requirements of the country you are travelling to, and allow for sufficient time to be vaccinated. You can check this at before arranging your appointment at a pharmacy. Please note, this service does not include the covid-19 vaccine.
Some travellers may need vaccines and anti-malarials which are not provided free of charge through this NHS service. Pharmacies may provide this additional service, however there will be a charge for it.
For details of local participating pharmacies, visit
General travel health advice is available at
From 1/4/22 NHS Lanarkshire's Vaccination Service will deliver Pneumococcal and Shingles vaccines through their Vaccination Centres.
Quit Your Way
Giving up smoking is not something you have to do on your own.
There is a NHS service available in Lanarkshire to help you succeed.
Quit Your Way is a free stop smoking service, where trained and friendly advisers can be contacted via Freephone or live web chat. The service offers a variety of support options and access to nicotine replacement treatments, even if those who smoke have attempted to quit previously.
You may have tried to stop before without success – nicotine is a powerful, addictive drug. The team are there to help and support you when you feel ready.
Call 0800 84 84 84 or visit