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Online Services

Getting started with GP online services

Giving another person access to your GP online services  

Giving employed carers access to your GP online services  

What you need to know about your GP online records 

GP online services for carers including young carers

Your GP record 


Online services allow you to ac

Easy read patient guides

Acess a range of services via your computer, mobile or tablet. Once you have signed up, you will be able to:

  • book or cancel appointments online
  • renew or order repeat prescriptions online
  • view parts of your GP record, including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results

You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at

How to sign-up

For more information, please contact reception or next time you visit the surgery, bring with you a piece of photo ID (passport, driving licence) and something with your address on like a bank statement but not a gas or electric bill. If you don’t have these, please talk to us and we will help you sign-up


NHS England » Patient information guidesonline

SystmOnline can be accessed here.



Repeat PrescriptionsManage your Repeat Prescriptions
Cancel AppointmentsCancel any existing appointments
Change Contact DetailsChange your Contact Details
Your Clinical RecordUpdate your Clinical Record
Summary Care RecordAccess your Summary Care Record

Welcome to Peel Park Surgery, All patients cared at Peel park surgery have a named GP Dr P Jha who is responsible for patients’ overall care at the practice, you are welcome to contact the practice if you wish to know who this is, if you have a preference as to which GP that is, the practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate this request.


This website will be replaced by a new surgery website by the 13th of February 2025. Please contact the practice if any links or documents are no longer in use on 01274 299257.

Dr Poonam Jha is a single handed Practitioner practising from a surgery within a purpose built Health Centre with all modern facilities. The surgery is near to bus route 645 and 646.There are no steps, allowing disabled patients full and easy access to facilities. There is ample parking space and a pharmacy is attached to the Health Centre.

Find out when our practice is open, what the GP consulting times are and what to do if you need help when the practice is closed. You can see the pharmacist for any acute illness such as cold, flu and cough etc. This service is provided by the pharmacy so that we can free GP appointments for more urgent and appropriate cases. Find out more

Repeat Prescriptions

Do you need to re-order your medication? Visit our prescriptions page and complete the online form. Find out more.

Click on PATCHS below if you would like to contact us by completing the form which is quicker and easier way to get through to us than using a telephone.


Streptococcus A (strep A)

Group A Streptococcus (GAS), also known as Strep A, are bacteria commonly found on the skin or in the throat. Under some circumstances these bacteria can cause disease.

GAS infection commonly presents as a mild sore throat ('strep throat') and skin/soft tissue infections such as impetigo and cellulitis.

Phone 999 or go to A&E if:

  • your child is having difficulty breathing (you may notice grunting noises or their tummy sucking under their ribs)
  • there are pauses when your child breathes
  • your child's skin, tongue or lips are blue
  • your child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake

Contact your GP if your child:

  • is getting worse

  • is feeding or eating much less than normal

  • has had a dry nappy for 12 hours or more or shows other signs of dehydration

  • is under 3 months and has a temperature of 38°C

  • is older than 3 months and has a temperature of 39°C or higher

  • feels hotter than usual when you touch their back or chest, or feels sweaty

  • is very tired or irritable

If your GP is closed, contact the 111 service.

If you feel that your child is seriously unwell, trust your own judgement and seek medical assistance.

Register with NHS App, or get help and advice on NHS website

The NHS wants to give people better ways to see their personal health information online. We know that people want to be able to access their health records. It can help you see test results faster. It also lets you read and review notes from your appointments in your own time.

We’re now letting you see all the information within your health record automatically. If you are over 16 and have an online account, such as through the  or another online primary care service, you will now be able to see all future notes and health records from your doctor (GP). Some people can already access this feature, this won’t change for you.

This means that you will be able to see notes from your appointments, as well as test results and any letters that are saved on your records. This only applies to records from your doctor (GP), not from hospitals or other specialists. You will only be able to see information from when we have reviewed your specific request. For most people, access will be automatic, and you won’t need to do anything.

Your doctor (GP) may talk to you to discuss test results before you are able to see some of your information on the app. At Peel Park Surgery we are reviewing all our patients records before granting you full records access, which will mean you may not automatically be able to see information within your health record. Your doctor (GP) may also talk to you before your full records access is given to make sure that having access is of benefit to you. There might be some sensitive information on your record, so you should talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

These changes only apply to people with online accounts. If you do not want an online account, you can still access your health records by requesting this information through reception. The changes also only apply to personal information about you. If you are a carer and would like to see information about someone you care for, speak to reception staff.

The NHS App, website and other online services are all very secure, so no one is able to access your information except you. You’ll need to make sure you protect your login details. Don’t share your password with anyone as they will then have access to your personal information.

If you do not want to see your health record, or if you would like more information about these changes, please speak to your GP or reception staff.

Advice for People at Higher Risk:

Guidance for Households with possible Coronavirus infection:

Guidance for Parents and Carers:

Thank you to all patients who are currently undertaking our 2024 GP National Patient Survey.

Our CQC Rating:                                                                                                                                            CQC Rating

(Site updated 04/02/2025)

Contact Details

Peel Park Surgery

Contact Telephone

01274 299257
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website