
Swanley Medical Practice

Prescription Requests:
General Enquiries:

Dear Patient,

We are writing to inform you about our updated procedure for obtaining an appointment with one of our clinicians, to ensure a smoother and more efficient service for everyone.

We are excited to update you with some changes that will be taking place with our appointment system from 21 March 2025. Over the past 2 years, we have been recruiting additional clinical staff to maintain our commitment to offer both: urgent on the day appointments and routine appointments within 2 weeks.

Although we are pleased to have been able to offer above the National Average amount of appointments, the relentless surge in demand nationally has led to the NHS adopting other ways to manage this.

Total Triage

The first adjustment is Total Triage. All appointment requests are first digitally assessed, before an appointment is offered. (Like referring to A+E or NHS111 when required). Please only use administrative help for administrative queries and not medical problems.

Why is this necessary?

  1. We want to abolish the 8am queues and early morning telephone rush. Queuing and telephoning first thing in the morning will no longer be necessary and if you do, our lovely reception team will simply help you fill out a triage form so all requests are properly assessed. Receptionists will no longer book appointments for you as they did before.
  2. Equity of access. We want appointment provision to be fair, based on clinical need, and not on ‘first come first serve’ basis or by being IT savvy. Also, sick notes should not take precedence over ill patients and can be filtered out through the online system.
  3. Efficiency. Appointments are a precious resource and we want to ensure that our patients get the right type of appointment from the start, booked according to the clinician’s specialty.
  4. Prompt response on the phones. For those who do need to call the surgery, ultimately, the phones will be answered more quickly (as more people use the triage form). 

What do you need to do?

  1. You can access the appointment request form Online at our website
  2. If you do not have a smart phone and no other form of digital access, you will not be disadvantaged. Our lovely reception team will be happy to help you fill a form which will then be assessed along with the others based on clinical urgency. Our reception team will ask you a few questions about your health concerns to complete the eConsult on your behalf to ensure you are triaged and then booked with the most appropriate clinician. However please note,

Receptionists will no longer book appointments for you as they did before, unless it is to book an appointment with the nursing team.

  1. The Online form will hopefully become available on the NHS App, so get ready and download the NHS App now as you can request your repeat prescriptions, check your blood results and view your medical records. Test Results: To ensure that we provide you with the best possible service and to manage our resources efficiently, we kindly request that you call for your test results only between 10am to 1pm every day.

You are able to view your blood results on the NHS app. This service allows you to access your results quickly and securely, without the need to wait in phone queues. This is part of our ongoing commitment to making your healthcare experience as smooth and efficient as possible.

We understand that waiting for test results can be stressful, and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this schedule. If you have any urgent concerns outside of these hours, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do our best to assist you.

Pharmacy First Scheme

The second adjustment is the Pharmacy First Scheme in which certain conditions can now be treated by the Pharmacist without the need for a GP appointment.

Some of these are:

Ear Ache                                                                                           1 to 17 years

Sinusitis                                                                                            12 years and over

Sore throat                                                                                        5 years and over

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections                                              women 16 – 64 years

Going forward, to avoid duplication of services in the NHS, we will attend to these conditions less to create space for conditions that can only be managed by us.

We also want to take this opportunity to share some important information about the current

pressures facing GP surgeries.

Across the country, GP practices are experiencing significant strain due to rising demand, a shortage of GPs, and challenges in recruiting and retaining staff.

Please treat our staff well. We have a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for abuse.

These pressures can impact our ability to provide timely appointments and services. 

The British Medical Association (BMA) provides analysis on the pressures in general practice and is updated monthly with new data.

To help alleviate some of this pressure and ensure you receive the care you need, we encourage you to explore other available healthcare services outside of our GP practice. These services include:

  • Pharmacies: For minor ailments and medication advice.
  • NHS 111: For urgent medical advice and guidance on the best care options.
  • Centres and Urgent Treatment Centres: For non-life-threatening conditions that require immediate attention
  • Online GP Services: For consultations and prescriptions without needing to visit the practice.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we strive to provide the best possible care.

We look forward to providing you with an improved service.

Kind Regards,


Swanley Medical Practice Team

How to get the most out of eConsult:
  1. Submit a separate eConsult for each concern. This helps your doctor collect the necessary information and respond more effectively.
  2. Do not use ‘Admin Requests’ for clinical issues. Doing so may delay your care.
  3. Provide as much detail as possible when completing your eConsult. Accurate information enables us to prioritise and manage your clinical needs.

eConsult Banner


Dear  Patient    

The Cedars Surgery merged with The Oaks Partnership on 13 November 2023 and became Swanley Medical Practice  

The Cedars Surgery has been responsible for The Oaks practice since 1st April 2023.

Swanley Medical Practice has 3 sites:

The Cedars Surgery Site:

26 Swanley Centre, Swanley, BR8 7AH

The Oaks Partnership Site:

Nightingale Way, Swanley, BR8 7UP

Both The Cedars and The Oaks share the same paid car park (does not belong to either surgeries).

Hextable Surgery Site : operates Varied Opening Hours

31A Main Road, Hextable, BR8 7RB

Free Roadside Parking.

Online service user access:  

Online services at The Oaks and Webpages have been switched off. Please select G82028 Swanley Medical Practice to rejoin.


HRT PPC Guidance

On 1 April 2023, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will introduce a new Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) to reduce the cost of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for patients.

The certificate will be valid for 12 months and covers an unlimited number of listed HRT medicines for the cost of two single prescription charges. Patients could save money if they pay more than two HRT prescription charges within 12 months. 

The HRT PPC will be available to buy in one single payment online at, or in-person at some pharmacies. Patients can call 0300 330 2089 for help and support.

Before buying an HRT PPC, a patient should check if:


We have several vacancies for a Receptionist at the Surgery - there are various shifts starting at 8am or 1pm and will be at The Cedars or Hextable Surgery or The Oaks. You must be prepared to do a mixture of shifts and be willing to cover in the event of holidays and sickness. Please email your cv to or pick up an application form in one of the surgeries.

Who You Might Have an Appointment With

We have a varied mix of healthcare professionals working at the Surgery and you may be booked an appointment with a Physician Associate, First Contact Physio, Nurse Practitioner or one of our trainee GP's. They are all working together to support the GP's to deliver the best service possible to our patients.

Physician Associates are collaborative healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors, GP's and surgeons providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.

Strep A Infection

Advice to parents

As a parent, if you feel that your child seems seriously unwell, you should trust your own judgement.

Contact NHS 111 or your GP if:

  • your child is getting worse
  • your child is feeding or eating much less than normal
  • your child has had a dry nappy for 12 hours or more or shows other signs of dehydration
  • your baby is under 3 months and has a temperature of 38C, or is older than 3 months and has a temperature of 39C or higher
  • your baby feels hotter than usual when you touch their back or chest, or feels sweaty
  • your child is very tired or irritable.

Call 999 or go to A&E if:

  • your child is having difficulty breathing – you may notice grunting noises or their tummy sucking under their ribs
  • there are pauses when your child breathes
  • your child’s skin, tongue or lips are blue
  • your child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake. 

@UKHSA is also running a public information campaign on social media so parents are aware of this advice. 

Get the right treatment when you need it

Mixed group outside house graphic.pngNHS services are very busy at the moment. It's important to come forward with any health concerns but you can help ease the pressure by choosing the right service. 

Knowing the right place to go can help you get the treatment you need faster. Please choose wisely and help us help you.

Ambulance services and A&E departments are very busy and need to prioritise life threatening injuries and illnesses. Please consider an alternative to A&E if your condition is less serious.

Urgent treatment centres (UTCs) and minor injury units (MIUs) are equipped to diagnose and deal with many of the most common ailments people attend emergency departments for, including sprains, minor burns and minor illness, and are open either 24 hours-a-day or 8am to 8pm. They can also be used when you can’t wait for an appointment with your GP.

Patients can just “walk-in” to any UTC in the county without an appointment and wait to be seen. Appointments can also be booked by contacting NHS 111.  By using NHS 111, patients will know they are going to the right place for treatment.

An amber warning for extreme heat between Sunday, 17 July and Monday, 18 July is in place. It's important to stay safe during this hot weather. 

Key advice in hot weather includes:

  • look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and those with underlying health conditions
  • drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol
  • never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals.


For the next order of your repeat prescription please download and use the NHS app. The NHS App has additional functionalities to help you manage interactions with your practice (e.g. view and share your COVID-19 status, order repeat medication, book appointments and access health advice).

Quick link:

Full Guide:

Government Guidance:


We are aware that it is difficult to get through to the surgery - this is not a fault of the phone system but rather the volume of people trying to ring in.

Please use eConsult instead, where possible.


We would like to advise patients that if an appointment is booked on the day which is not urgent it may need to be re-scheduled if more urgent requests come in. To ensure you are not kept waiting please make sure we have your mobile phone number so that we can send you a message.

Telephone Consultations

There has been a significant increase in the number of patients who are not answering their phones when they have requested a clinician to call them. This is very frustrating for the clinical staff and has a serious impact on resources.

We would therefore ask you to ensure you keep your phone close by when you have requested a call. Missed calls will not be able to be re-booked on the same day.

Help to Care app launched

Help to Care, a new mobile phone app, has been launched to support people who care for others in Kent and Medway. You can download the app by searching for Help to Care in the app store on your Apple device or in Google Play if you have an android device. 

Help to Care App


Are you a carer? please see under "Further Information" about the help that is available and fill in the form so that we can add you to our carer's register.


Patient Advice and Liaison Service

If you are experiencing difficulty with any of the care provided by Darent Valley Hospital then PALS are there to help. In our experience patients have found this invaluable when unable to speak to the team managing their care. This is a confidential service for people who would like information, help or wish to comment about any of the services provided by the hospital.


Darent Valley Hospital

Darenth Wood Road




Tel:  01322 428382


Care Quality Commission

For our latest inspection report please see under Further Information

Swanley Medical Practice is a Training Practice

In association with:

Kent Surrey & Sussex GP Deanery and Canterbury Christ Church University

Currently training under supervision:

Dr Doaa Abdelhafez

Dr Anne-Marie Oyekan

Dr Umar Haddad

Trainees you may see at our surgery:

FY2 - These are fully qualified doctors who have worked at least one year as hospital doctors. They work under supervision.

ST1, ST2, ST3 - Doctors in specialist training in General Practice. The number next to ST indicates the year of training they are currently in.

PA - Physicians associates - This is a new and exciting role in the NHS.

Physician Associates are collaborative healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors, GP's and surgeons providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.

If you see any of our trainees and have any concerns please speak to a member of the reception staff.

Your opinion is extremely valuable and we will often request feedback from patients regarding our trainees.



We record all incoming and outgoing telephone calls for training and monitoring purposes.

Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group

Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis


Find the right health service online - anytime

See under Further Information to the right of this page

Worried about someone you know?

Kent County Counncil have staff available 24 hours a day. To report abuse of an adult or child follow the link:


When did you last have your blood pressure checked? Come in to the surgery and use the BP machine (ask at Reception). If you have your own BP monitor please bring in your readings so we can update your records. 

Patient Participation Group

If you would be interested in joining our PPG please click on the link on the right hand side of this page or ask in the Surgery. 



We have a number of trained Dementia Friends at the Surgery

See the Dementia Diary produced by the Swanley Dementia Friendly Community Forum

24hr Dementia Helpline: 0800 500 3014


An innovative new service launched by the NHS to help you find the right treatment.

Health Help Now News

Opening Hours

Find out when our practice is open, what the GP consulting times are and what to do if you need help when the practice is closed. Find out more

Unacceptable Abuse of NHS Staff

Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group are saddened by the rising reports both from primary care and other local services about the rising levels of abuse teams are getting. It is not acceptable and we are exploring what can be done to address it.

A public message from the CCG has been published as the first part of planning a wider campaign to challenge unacceptable behaviour towards NHS teams. You can see this first message by clicking on the following link:

There have been many instances of patients' interactions with staff being a cause for concern because of the manner towards the staff.

We felt it would be beneficial to update you on some of the changes in the way in we provide services to our patients which will hopefully explain some of the frustrations you have experienced.


(Site updated 13/03/2025)
Patient Survey
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