SWUK Burn Care Operational Delivery Network
The SWUK Burn Care Operational Delivery Network (SWUK ODN) is a regional network of five designated specialised burn care services located in the South West of England and South/Mid Wales. Our aim is to enhance and standardise the delivery of care to adult and paediatric patients who have suffered a burn injury or a skin loss condition.
The SWUK ODN delivers a programme of care to meet National Standards for Provision and Outcomes in Adult and Paediatric Burn Care, as commissioned by NHS England & NHS Improvement Specialised Service Specification for Burn Services (all ages). Our aim is to ensure outcomes and quality standards are improved and that evidence based patient pathways are agreed and implemented from the point of injury to rehabilitation.
We ensure burn services within the ODN are working to the same principles and to the same standards for patient benefit and ensure patients are referred to the most appropriate burn care service within the region for the severity of their burn, based on national burn care referral guidance.
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(Site updated 16/11/2023)