
Spring 2025  Covid vaccine eligibility

People aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a dose of COVID-19 vaccine this spring.

COVID-19 is more serious in older people and in people with certain underlying health conditions. For these reasons, people aged 75 years and over, those in care homes, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system are being offered a spring dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Timing of the spring vaccine

You should be offered an appointment between April and June, with those at highest risk being called in first. You will be invited to have your booster around 6 months after your last dose, but you can have it as soon as 3 months.

If you are turning 75 years of age between April and June, you do not have to wait until your birthday, you can attend when you are called for vaccination.

You will be invited for your booster and you can book using the NHS app for Apple or Android. You can also find your nearest walk-in vaccination site from the NHS website.

For housebound patients aged 75 and over the surgery will arrange for your vaccination at home.

NHS vaccinations and when to have them 

Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent many infectious diseases and it is important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection but if you or your child has missed a vaccination then please contact the surgery to make a catch up appointment.

A full list of current NHS vaccinations for all ages is in the NHS vaccination section of the website.

Further information is available on the website by clicking on the link below:

Why vaccination is important and the safest way to protect yourself - NHS

Social Services and how to get help

How to get adult social care support

Care and support is the term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include support with things like:

  • getting out of bed
  • washing and dressing
  • getting to work
  • accessing education, training and volunteering opportunities
  • eating
  • seeing friends
  • being part of the community.

You can access help and arrange care yourself or for friends and family without having to contact the surgery for a referral.

You can complete a self-assessment by clicking on the link below which will take you to the Kent County Council website.

How to get adult social care support - Kent County Council

Telephone number: 03000 41 61 61

Manage your own care and wellbeing with Connect to Support

Go to the Kent Connect to Support website to find information and advice on care and support, for you, a relative or a friend. The site can help you find out:

  • what sort of support you may need and what’s available near you
  • about paying for care
  • what happens when you leave hospital
  • how to buy equipment to help you around your home
  • what type of support care homes can offer.

You can find out more information from Kent Connect to Support by clicking on the link below:

Home | Connect to Support | Kent

Telephone number: 03000 41 61 61

Get Advice on equipment to make daily living easier

Safe and Well can help you to find the equipment you need. You'll get tips, advice and guidance on the equipment that is available to you. This could include help:

  • around your home, if you're having difficulty with your stairs, using the bathroom or getting in and out of bed
  • to prepare meals
  • when you're out and about, including shopping, driving or using public transport.

You can find out more information from Safe and Well by clicking on the link below:

NRS Healthcare - Services | Safe and Well

Telephone number: 01622-235300


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