Would you like to live a more active life?
Moving and being active has so many benefits for our physical and mental wellbeing
You may be wondering what the right level of activity is?
This can vary from person to person but generally something is better than nothing, and consistency is key
Click on this link for NHS physical activity guidelines, exercise tips and fitness guides: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/
Remember, you should start any new activity gently and progress it gradually
National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS)
Are you interested in attending regular subsidised and supported physical activity at your local leisure centre? You can be referred by any clinical staff at you GP practice - https://www.wlga.wales/national-exercise-referral-scheme-ners
Dewis Cymru
For information on activities happening in your local area - https://www.dewis.wales/
NHS Links