Sexual Health Clinics in Swale as at 1.2.25
There are 2 Sexual Health Clinics in Swale, which provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services to anyone aged 13+.
1. Sittingbourne Sexual Health Clinic, Memorial Hospital, Bell Road, ME10 4DT.
This Clinic is open on Tuesdays 9am to 6pm.
2. The Island Clinic, Sheppey Community Hospital, Minster-on-Sea. ME12 3LT.
This Clinic is open:
- Tuesdays 9am to 4pm
- Wednesdays 9am to 7pm
- Thursdays 1pm to 4.30pm
The Clinics can help with:
- STI testing and treatment
- Contraception - pills, patches, rings, injectables, implants and coils
- Repeat urinary symptoms - is it a UTI? Could it be an STI?
- Genital rashes - genital warts, herpes, molluscum - diagnosis and treatment.
- Referring a patient to Gynae/Urology? Have they had a recent STI screening first?
You do not need a referral from your GP:
- You can call 03000 790 0245 to book an appointment
- You can pop into the Clinic when open
- You can visit
- You can text 07700-103674