Useful Contacts

Age Concern, Thurrock01375 389872
Alcoholics Anonymous0800 9177 650
Basildon Hospital
(For all services including
blood testing, x-ray,
district nursing and community midwifery)
01268 524900
Bereavement: Child Death Helpline 0800 282986
CRUSE0808 808 1677
ChildLine ( 1111
DIAL UK (Advice for the disabled) 0808 800 3333
Grays Police101
Midwife (Community) email
Men's Advice Line (male victims of domestic violence)
0808 801 0327
Minor Injury Unit (Orsett Hospital)01268 592300
National Drugs Helpline (Talk to Frank)0300 1236600
NHS Out of Hours Service111
NHS Mid & South Essex ICB (Integrated Care Board)  01268 594350
NSPCC0808 800 5000
Family Lives (Parentline)0808 800 2222
Patient Advice and Liaison Service  0800 0857935
Samaritans ( 123
Thurrock Council01375 652652
Victim Support0808 168 9111
Women's Aid Domestic Helpline0808 200 0247

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