
Named Accountable GP for All Patients

Every patient has been allocated a named GP who is responsible for your overall care at the practice. If you would like to know who your named GP is, please contact reception and they will be happy to inform you.

If you wish to change the name of your accountable GP, please let us know and we will make every  reasonable effort to accommodate this request.

Having a named accountable GP does not restrict your entitlement to see any doctor in the practice.

Looking After Yourself

There are a range of services that allow you to self-refer instead of having to come in to see one of our clinicians first. They are:

Talking Therapies

If you would like to refer yourself into the service, you can self-refer online or call 01208 871 905. Appointments are by phone, video or face-to-face.

Please note that if your self-referral raises concerns about your safety, we will signpost you to a more appropriate service.

Please click here for the Talking Therapies website


There are clinics throughout the whole of Cornwall offering an expert diagnostic Musculoskeletal Service run by highly experienced musculoskeletal specialist physiotherapists

The physiotherapists are able to make referrals for x-rays and the Musculoskeletal Interface Service. Physiotherapists work closely with GPs, other health professionals and social care.

Male and female continence physiotherapy is available to treat pelvic floor muscle problems.

They cannot accept referrals from patients under 16 years of age.

If you have back or neck pain, or bowel symptoms or problems you cannot self-refer. An appointment can only be made via a GP referral.

Please click here for the physiotherapy self referral form

Drug and Alcohol support


As part of its on-going commitment to support the growing number of people across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly with diabetes, NHS Kernow has made over 50 health information videos freely available via a specialised online video library.

The bespoke video library covers topics including general self-care, looking after your feet, getting your eyes checked and preparing for pregnancy when you have diabetes, as well as top tips for healthy eating and much more. 

Kernow Clinical commissioning Group Health Information Video Library:

Self Care Week is an annual national awareness week that focuses on embedding support for self care across communities, families and generations.

No other factor increases your risk of ill health than smoking! If you smoke, you risk developing lung cancer, other cancers, chronic bronchitis, stomach ulcers and many more illnesses. Think seriously about giving up. The doctor, nurse or health visitor will be able to offer help and advice, or you can call the Stop Smoking Service on 01209 215666.

Regular exercise improves muscle tone and general well being. A little exercise taken frequently is often better than strenuous exercise taken occasionally.

First_Aid_KitYou should ensure the following are kept (suitably locked away from children) at home

  • Paracetamol (eg Calpol, Disprol) or Ibuprofen/Neurofen for the treatment of pain and/or fever.
  • Antiseptic Cream for minor skin cuts and grazes.
  • Bandages and dressing plasters.
  • Calamine Lotion for itching and sunburn.
  • Indigestion remedy.
  • Anti-histamines eg. Piriton liquid for bites/stings etc.

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