
Named Accountable GP for All Patients

Every patient has been allocated a named GP who is responsible for your overall care at the practice. If you would like to know who your named GP is, please contact reception and they will be happy to inform you.

If you wish to change the name of your accountable GP, please let us know and we will make every  reasonable effort to accommodate this request.

Having a named accountable GP does not restrict your entitlement to see any doctor in the practice.

Practice Survey Reporting

Friends and Family Survey results

We are requied by NHS England to ask our patients to fill in a Friends and Family survey. the survey can either be filled out using a paper form that can be found on our reception desks, by using the Friends and Family Test option on this website or by responding to a Friends & Family text that we have sent you.

At the end of each month we the report these figures back to NHS England. We would like to thank all of you who have filled in one of our surveys.

Here are our recent results:

July 2024 resultsJuly 2024

June 2024 resultsJune 2024 

May 2024 resultsMay 2024

April 2024 resultsApril 2024

March 2024 resultsMarch 2024

February 2024 resultsFebruary 2024

January 2024 resultsJanuary 2024

December 2023 results - 119 responses

93 very good, 16 good, 8 Neither good nor poor, 1 poor, 0 very poor, 1 don't know

November 2023 results69 responses

50 very good, 16 good, 1 Neither good nor poor, 1 poor, 1 very poor, 0 don't know

The results of the Spring 2012 patient Survey can be found here: psurvey2012.doc

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