

These vaccinations are now co-ordinated and carried out by the NHS Scotland Vaccinations Team. To find out if you're eligible, and to book an appointment, go onto NHS Inform/Winter Vaccines. If patients are unable to go online, they can phone 0800 030 8013 to book.

Please do not contact the surgery regarding these vaccinations because General Practices are no longer doing vaccines, and our receptionists and clinicians will be unable to answer your questions, thank you.

Feedback and Complaints

How can I give my feedback?

You can give your feedback by:

  • talking to a member of staff involved in your care – this can be
    the best way to give feedback and resolve issues quickly
  • contacting the NHS Highland Feedback and Complaints officer by phone, email or online
  • putting your comments in our suggestion box.

What will happen to my feedback?

Tarbert Medical Practice welcomes your feedback. It will be recorded and used to
improve services.

Making a complaint.

If you can, first talk to a member of staff involved in your care. If you do this, they can try to sort out your complaint on the spot. If you cannot or you do not wish to do this, you can ask to speak to Anne Howell, Practice Manager or the Feedback and Complaints Officer for
NHS Highland.

If you prefer to complain in writing rather than in person or over the phone, you can send a letter or an email to the Practice Manager or Feedback and Complaints Officer.
When complaining, you should give:
• your full name and address (and the patient’s full name and
address if you are complaining for them)
• as much helpful information as possible about what happened,
where it happened and when
• information about how you want the matter to be resolved, and
• your phone number, if you are happy to provide it, so that we can
call you to discuss your complaint.
Giving us this information will help us clearly identify the problem
and what we need to do to resolve things.

Contact Details:

Anne Howell,

Practice Manager,

Tarbert Medical Practice,

Campbeltown Road,


PA29 6TY.

Telephone: 01880 820 674


The Feedback Team

NHS Highland

POBox 5713



Telephone: 01463 705 997


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