Open Surgeries (un-named Doctor) Currently Suspended

Ashley Medical Centre continues to provide an Open Surgery on Monday Mornings. Patients must arrive before 10.00am and wait to be seen. Patients will be seen in order of arrival or, in the case of an emergency, GPs decision will apply. The Open Surgery is for urgent medical conditions which cannot wait for a routine appointment. Open Surgeries are also held on Tuesday/Wednesday following Bank or Public Holidays. Please note the Patients who arrive after 10.00am will not be seen.

Book On Day Surgery (un-named Doctor)

Wednesday Morning from 8:30am and Friday afternoons 3.00pm – 5.00pm. Patients may telephone from 8.30 to book for the early surgery or from 2.00pm to book an appointment for the later Surgery (Friday only). Appointments are limited and will be offered on a first come basis

Currently due to the level of Patients failing to attend for booked appointments, we have had to cap the the future booking of appointments to two weeks. We appreciate that this may cause some inconvenience to Patients, but was necessary in order to reduce the number of appointments being missed.

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