Appointments with our clinicians (Doctors and Nurse Practitioners) are book-on-the-day, with limited availability for pre-bookable appointments over a week in advance.
Please understand that our Doctors' appointments are generally reserved for pregnant women, children under the age of 1, and complicated issues, and our Nurse Practitioners are able to complete referrals, issue prescriptions, and assist you with your medical needs.
Nurse/Healthcare Assistant appointments are available up to 6+ weeks in advance - If you know you need to visit us in a few weeks time for blood tests, an injection, or a vaccine, please contact us 2+ weeks in advance to ensure you can book a suitable appointment - but don't forget to write it on your calendar!
If you're asked to book a routine appointment to discuss test results, this can be booked 2-4 weeks in advance.
All consultations with our clinicians must be made by appointment. To make an appointment, simply phone us, or ask one of our Care Navigators when you're at the surgery. If you have a condition that requires you to be seen urgently, our team will give you an emergency appointment the same day or leave a message for the Doctors to assess the urgency. We cannot fit in patients without an appointment (apart from in an extreme emergency of course).
Although only one doctor’s name appears on your registration letter, you are a patient of the practice. Therefore, you may see or be asked to see any clinician working in the surgery who is available on that day. If you would like to see a particular member of our team, please ask one of the Care Navigators, who will make every effort to accommodate your needs.
Appointments for general consultations are available with our clinicians on Monday - Friday. 08.30 to 18.30. We have some appointments on Saturdays, which must be booked in advance by a member of our team.
Telephone Access
If you make an appointment for a phone call with a member of our team, please make sure your contact details are up-to-date, and your phone is on with the volume set high.
Privacy at the Reception Desk
If the matter you wish to discuss requires more privacy than is available at the reception desk, we advise to contact us over the phone. If you would prefer to discuss it in person, please let a member of staff know, who will try to accommodate you.
Physical Examination & Chaperoning
If you would like someone with you during a physical examination, please let the doctor know so that he/she can arrange for a nurse, trained chaperone or health care assistant to be present.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. This can be done by contacting us over the phone, or by responding to your appointment reminder with the message 'CANCEL'.