Patients can book an appointment in advance with the Doctor of their choice or can call any morning (our telephone lines open at 8.45am) to request a call back that day. Doctors will naturally only have a finite number of spaces available each day so it is preferable to book ahead when symptoms and time allow.
All 'on the day' appointments with a GP are triaged by telephone in the first instance. If your medical issue is such that the GP requires to see you face to face, they will invite you to attend the surgery at a mutually agreeable time. As most contacts with the GP don't require a physical examination, this system is allowing the Doctors to deal with a greater number of patients each day. Advance (pre-bookable) appointments can be booked as face to face or by telephone - it is your choice.
On Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, we have routine appointments between 07:30 – 08:00. These are pre-bookable appointments that are provided particularly with full time workers in mind and we would respectfully ask that they are requested only by those patients for whom they were specifically introduced.
We still have urgent slots available each day to allow for problems that you feel must be attended to THAT DAY and could not wait for the first available routine or on the day appointment. These may only be with doctors who are available that day i.e. you cannot choose or request to speak with a particular doctor at this time.
Occasionally, medical students from Glasgow University attend the surgery as part of their undergraduate training. If the doctor you are seeing has a student with them, you will be advised when you attend your appointment and if you do not want them present at your consultation, your wishes will be respected.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
General Information
As you will be very much aware, the demand for GP appointments is increasing steadily to a point where it is putting a distinct strain on the service we aim to provide at the surgery.
Most people do not realise that there are other professionals who are better placed to deal with the many symptoms for which patients attend their GP. We therefore feel it is important to ensure that we provide you with the information you need in order to make an informed choice. Often, it will allow you to see a nurse or a pharmacist far sooner than you might see a GP.
In order to assist with this, the Doctors here at the surgery have asked that the Receptionists now ask you for the reason you wish an appointment. This will allow them to advise you of any options available to you to ensure you are seen by the RIGHT person at the RIGHT time. We should be grateful if you would share this information with them and we assure you that all discussions with the receptionists are treated with the same confidentiality as those with the Doctor or Nurse.
Mobile Telephone Number
Please ensure you keep the surgery updated with your mobile number as we will use this to send you occasional text messages to notify you of Bank Holiday closures and specific information about the Practice. If you do not wish to be notified in this way, please advise staff at reception.