
Emergency Appointments
Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency and you should immediately Call 999 in these instances.
We have a few emergency appointments which will be with the first available clinician that may require triage.
If you feel that you have a condition requiring an emergency appointment please contact the surgery on the usual number and alert the receptionist to this.
The doctors have the right to decide whether a problem merits an emergency appointment and to decline these appointments if they feel an emergency appointment is inappropriate.
An appointment system is in operation in our Surgery. Urgent cases will always be accommodated. We have a few appointments each day that can only be booked on the day.
Extended Hours Appointments
These are offered Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 08:00 till 08.30. Also on alternate Tuesday evenings from 17:30 till 18:00.
Please note that these appointments must be booked in advance and are for patients who cannot attend the practice during normal consulting times, due to work or travel commitments.
Nurse Appointments
Please contact the practice to make an appointment.
Telephone Access
Patients may telephone the surgery simply for advice, or to speak to a doctor / nurse. If a doctor or nurse is not available you may be asked for a reason as to why you wish to speak with a clinician and a telephone number where you can be contacted at a time to suit the doctor on duty. If you feel the matter is so urgent that it cannot wait please inform the receptionist who will ask a doctor/nurse to speak to you at the earliest opportunity. Similarly messages can be left for the doctors/nurse via reception.
In order to protect patient confidentiality we cannot pass on information or discuss patients with friends/relatives unless authorised to do so by the patient or by law.
Near Me

The Surgery now offers Near Me video consultations. The doctor will discuss with you if one of these appointments may be suitable for you.
If you have arranged an appointment please click the start button to access the service either using Google Chrome or Safari, and follow the instructions.
You can access our online service called EConsult. This online service is available via our website Monday to Friday. EConsult is an online service for patients looking to contact the GPs.

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Patients who are registered with Patient Access will now be able to book appointments online. Anyone wanting to use this service can contact the surgery for further information.