
Updated 24 October 2024

Ingrown toenail surgery available in The Cedar Clinic

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Covid-19 Coronavirus

For all Covid-19 Coronavirus information please contact the HSE website


Minor Illness

Get Active!

Get Active!

Get Active The benefits of being active for physical and mental health are huge. Being active helps release chemicals in your brain (endorphins), which have a positive effect on your mood, not to mention the benefits to your heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Getting out and being active is also a great way to manage stress.

Physical activity is for everyone.

Regular physical activity can help you reduce the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. For children and young people being active helps reduce their risk of developing these diseases in later life too. Increased levels of physical activity will help reduce body fat and maintain a healthy weight.

Being active is fun for all the family. Research shows that children whose parents are active are more than 5 times as likely to be active than those whose parents are not.

For more health benefits, you should increase your aerobic activity to 60 minutes a day of moderate activity 5 days a week.

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The site was initially developed to promote the National Physical Activity guidelines.  The site has been further developed to become a one-stop shop for physical activity information. The aim of the revised website is to encourage people to become more physically active by creating awareness of the opportunities for physical activity at local, regional and national levels. It also contains lots of information on physical activity: the benefits, how to get started, tips to stay motivated etc.

Exercise Referral From Your GP

Exercise Referral The GP Exercise Referral Programme is a 12 week programme to help you develop a physically active lifestyle. Qualified Local Coordinators who have completed the HSE National Training Course are running the programme from facilities across Ireland.

Your programme, your rules!

There are many different ways to get active. Your Local Coordinator is qualified to recommend activities that are most suitable to benefit you. Your Coordinator will work with you to find out your likes and dislikes over time so as you progress your programme becomes tailored specifically for you. Below are some examples of the 'activity sessions' that you may try as part of your programme. You will not be asked to do anything you don't want to do, remember, it's YOUR programme, so it's YOUR rules!

Find out more

Quit Smoking

Ready to Quit Smoking?

1 in every 2 smokers will die of a tobacco related disease.  Can you live with that? QUIT is a health education campaign from the HSE that aims to reduce the numbers of smokers in Ireland. We want to help more and more smokers to quit, so our job is to show people why, and how they can do it.

We've gathered some real stories that help bring the 1 in 2 statistic to life, and you can watch those stories from our Youtube Channel below. Visit to find out how we can help you quit or read more about the campaign.  We can help you get started on the road to quitting for good.

Margaret's 1 in 2 Story

Sexual Health

Sexual Health

The following information comes from - the Health Service Executive sponsored website.

A healthy, active sex life is important for many people, young, old, middle aged, whether heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual and from every race and colour.

The best way to maintain your own sexual health is to be aware of when you need to take appropriate precautions, and also what symptoms to watch out for if you suspect you may be at risk of a contagious disease. 

your sexual health cartoon

Talk To Your GP About Contraception Choices

All contraceptive methods are very effective and most are 99% effective - when used correctly and consistently. You can find out more on this page or from your GP/Doctor.

There are many different types of contraception available.  Visit the Think Contraception website for a detailed list and further information

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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

Think Contraception Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that are passed on from an infected partner(s) during unprotected sex (vaginal, anal and oral). They are caused by specific bacteria and viruses.

There are many types of STI but if you are infected you may not develop any symptoms at all. An STI screening is the only way to diagnose any of these infections.

Find out more about the symptoms, the different types of STI and the different protection options on the your sexual health ireland website.


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