Please call in at reception to complete new patient registration forms. The practice will accept patients from all areas of Hamilton (excluding Ferniegair, Quarter and Muttonhole Road, Hamilton). We will accept patients from Blantyre and High Blantyre.
Preference of Practitioner
Patients are registered with the practice, not an individual GP. For administrative reasons your medical card will be issued in the name of one of the doctors; however, you can at any time express a preference for a particular doctor for either all of your medical needs or on a case by case basis. We will do our best to respect your choice. However, not all the doctors in the practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available.
Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Please contact reception for further information.
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide below.
A Patient Guide to GP Services