EASTER BH WEEKEND 18th April 2025 & 21st April 2025
EARLY MAY BH 5th May 2025
SPRING BH 26th May 2025
SUMMER BH 25th August 2025
CHRISTMAS DAY 25th December 2025
BOXING DAY 26th December 2025
NEW YEARS DAY 1st January 2026
The Limes Medical Centre will be closed for staff training in the afternoon on the following dates
27 February 2025
19 March 2025
22 May 2025
18 June 2025
24 July 2025
21 August 2025
24 September 2025
9 October 2025
27 November 2025
25 February 2026
26 March 2026
If you have a medical problem which cannot wait until the surgery re-opens please contact either a community pharmacist (see link below for BH pharmacy opening times) or NHS 111 or NHS 111 Online or download the NHS App for medical advice and/or treatment. NHS 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free & highly trained advisers, supported by healthcare professionals will be able to assist you. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year either Online or via telephone. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
In case of a life threatening emergency, please dial 999
If you have a medical emergency please contact 999
bank holiday pharmacy opening times

Pension Credit could unlock additional benefits like free TV licenses, NHS dental treatment, housing benefits, and winter fuel payments. Don’t miss out! To find out if you're eligible and how to apply, visit
Did You Know?
The Limes provided almost 100,000 appointments in 2024.
DNA Figures (Patients who failed to attend booked appointments)
Approximately 5,000 appointments were not attended by patients in 2024
We aim to provide all our patients with the best possible service and to achieve this we need your cooperation.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please make every effor to cancel it well in advance so that it may be offer to someone else. Non-attendance and cancellations at short notice without a valid reason deprives other patients of essential medical services.
The practice has a policy on patients not attending appointments which in extreme cases can result in the patient being removed from our practice list. If you wish to cancel an appointment you can do so by calling 01843 222788.
Please help us to utilise our appointments as best as possible by cancelling any future appointments that you do not need.
Veteran Support
The Limes Medical Centre has a significant number of military veterans registered with us. We are conscious that some military veterans might be affected by the 20th anniversary of the Iraq conflict. If you have been affected by this, help is available as the surgery is proud to be accredited as a veteran friendly practice by the Royal College of GPs. Help is also available via Op Courage, the veterans’ mental health and wellbeing service”
Medication and Flying
Please read the attached update regarding requests for support via medication when flying. Medication in Flying
Please don’t abuse our staff: It’s not in a day’s work
Sadly, NHS staff across Kent and Medway are reporting more and more incidents of the abuse they face when they go into work.
In an open letter signed by chief executives from all NHS trusts in Kent and Medway, people are asked to be kind to NHS staff.
The letter says: “The overwhelming majority of our patients, clients and service users are respectful of the years of training and the skills healthcare professionals have developed so they can care for others.
People understand the caring and compassionate nature that makes someone want to work for the NHS; whether they are clinicians or in support roles.
It goes on to talk about the commitment to high-quality care all NHS partners have and that while it is a small minority of people who behave this way towards NHS staff, the consequences can be far reaching.
“We understand the frustration when you may have to wait a little longer at a clinic appointment, urgent treatment centre or emergency department, or when you may not be able to get through to a GP practice on the phone.
“Some people don’t understand why we are still asking them to wear masks in healthcare settings when they don’t wish to do so. We also know others don’t wish to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination programme. The second is a personal choice; the first keeps our staff safer.
“However, what we cannot accept is abuse – verbal or physical – towards our workforce. They are there to help, not be abused.’’
You can find out more at:
"Getting in touch with us"
We are aware there have been significant problems getting through to us on the phone. We are sorry if this was the case and would like to explain a little about why that is.
Many GP surgeries across the country have been in a similar position. We understand how frustrating it can be if answering your call took longer than normal.
What have we done to help and what can you do to help?
- Choose well – can a local pharmacy help your symptoms?
- Call 111 if you are unsure which sort of treatment you need. You can also go online
- Download the NHS app. You can use this to book and cancel appointments and order repeat prescriptions.
- Use our online consultation system, if you are able to.
- Cancel appointments you no longer need.
It’s useful to remember our teams are on the front line and see both the best and the worst of us all. They work incredibly hard to help patients navigate the system, but may not be able to offer you exactly what you want at all times.
Please be patient and courteous, they want to find the best solution as much as you do.
We are grateful for your understanding.
Acute Care Team and Pre-bookable appointments
We have been listening to our patients to address the current demand for appointments with our clinical team. From 17th May 2021 we introduced an ACUTE CARE TEAM, this enables us to ensure patients receive the appropriate support through more effective triage. Please read the attached sheet that describes how this will help you. The service will be under constant review to ensure we continue to improve patient access.
Acute Care Team
anima-coming soon
Trinity Square Car Park
This is a RINGO car park
Patient Participation Group
The Limes Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) welcomes new volunteers to represent patients, offer views on the services and facilities provided to support the practice in areas of development and understanding. The PPG meets every three months and helps support the future of the surgery for the benefit of the patients. If you are interested click on the icon below and print and complete the form and return to the surgery, alternatively please contact our PPG Chairperson, Pauline Farrance via email on
More information can be found in the leaflet. Meeting minutes can be found on the link at the bottom of the page.
PPG Leaflet
On Line Repeat Prescription Services
Are you aware that you can request your repeat prescriptions from your own home? Sign up and you will be able to electronically request your repeat prescriptions. Identify a chemist you would like to use and we will send your prescription straight to them (restrictions may apply), they may even deliver to your door! Pick up a form in the surgery or ask at Reception. We will need to see photographic ID when you enroll. This will also enable other online services to be available.