

Out of Hours
If you require a doctor after 6pm, at weekends or on public holidays when the surgery is closed, please telephone the usual number (0845 – 337 – 6310).  Your call will then be redirected to NHS 24

Test Results
The Practice has scheduled time (2pm – 4pm) each weekday for patients wishing to enquire about Test Results. Please select the appropriate option when telephoning the practice.

Cancelling your Appointment
If you are unable to attend an appointment with one of the doctors or nurses, please telephone or use the link at the bottom of this page to cancel your appointment.

Latest News

Check if you are eligible for pension credit and the winter fuel allowance.

click on the link below to get the QR code link to check your entitlement

Pension credit checker Oct 24

Out going calls from the Practice will no longer show as "no caller ID or withheld"

A generic NHS Grampian number starting 0300  will show for all outgoing calls from the Practice.  Please note that as this is a generic NHS number it will also show up when ARI clinics or any other NHSG clinic phones you.  So, it will not only be us.

If you try to call back on this number, you will be informed that the number does not accept incoming calls. 

The number you use to contact us remains unchanged 0345 337 6310.

Surgery Abroad Without NHS Referral

 NHS Scotland does not recommend choosing to pay to travel abroad for surgery as part of a packaged holiday. This is sometimes called surgical or cosmetic tourism. Surgical options in Scotland can appear more expensive, but patients should think about the potential savings against the potential risks of travelling for surgery.

Please see the following NHS Inform guidance from NHS Scotland :[1]abroad-without-nhs-referral

Together-all Mental wellbeing support

Kooth - offers a wide range of therapeutic tools to help children and young people and support their mental wellbeing.

Physio self referral  

For patients who may benefit from self-management advice and exercises our internet site is available as an alternative to referral -

For patients looking to increase activity, or undertake general exercise, Sport Aberdeen (, Live Life Aberdeenshire ( ), Moray Community Sports Hub ( have excellent supported programmes on their website.

If you would like to self refer to the physio service in Aberdeenshire then complete the self referral from the link below:

Physiotherapist Self Referral form

 Near Me Virtual Consultations

If a clinicians asks you to take part in a virtual consultation - click on the link below.

There is no need to register, you will be asked to put in your name and telephone number.

The application will check your phone, tablet or PC to ensure it is compatible and if so, you will be allowed access to the virtual waiting room.

The clinician will be alerted that you are in the waiting room and then be able to start the consultation.

Fit for Farming wesite link;jsessionid=E44144858A48EDCFD4B2C57002249E42?pContentID=10064&p_applic=CCC&

Get advice about Common Childhood Illness

Websites with helpful advice for parents and guardians

Other helpful websites for self care for routine ailments


Antibiotics won't work




Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
NHS ScotlandThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website