
EMIS Patient Access - 11/01/2023 - Online Appointment Booking Service is temporarily suspended - if you need to make an appointment please contact the Practice. 
You can now order your repeat medication and make a routine appointment with your GP online using Patient Access. To register for this service please contact reception who will give you an activation key.

The Practice Policy on accepting samples at Reception has now changed.

We will now only accept a sample if this has been requested after a consultation with either one of our GP’s or Nursing staff.  

Urinary Symptoms  - patients are reminded to contact Triage in the first instance for the appropriate advice / course of action.

Any other type of sample requests will be upon instruction by our clinical team and these must be  handed into the Practice before 12:00 along with the completed Practice sample slip with all relevant details.  

DEDICATED EMAIL ADDRESS - PATIENT USE ONLY - You may be asked during a telephone consultation with the GP, to submit a photographic image to assist with a diagnosis.  We have set up a dedicated/secure e-mail address for any such images to be sent to us : 

2025 Public Holidays

Friday 18th April 2025

Monday 21st April 2025

Monday 5th May 2025

Monday 6th October 2025

Thursday 25th December 2025

Friday 26th December 2025    

Latest News

Monday 4th March 2024

WELCOME Dr Anne Eadie

We are very pleased to announce the appointment of a new GP Partner to the Practice

Dr Eadie is very much looking forward to working at the Practice and meeting and supporting patients.  


Government issued information on patient shielding is available on the link below -



See Further Information Point Number 3 for further details 


 'If you have concerns about your eye(s) or vision you should phone your normal optometry practice as a first step (link to  If it does not offer telephone support (or if calls are not transferred to another practice) then phone the closest local practice that does. You will then be given further help and advice from an optometrist. If it is then decided that an emergency appointment is required, then this will be arranged for you. This will normally be at an optometry practice but, only if absolutely necessary, hospital consultations can also be organised. 

As from 7th April emergency eye appointments in the community are only available from a limited number of practices. These have the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to reduce the infection risk for both patients and practitioner'

Medical Research Data Collection

The staff at this practice record information about you and your health so that you can receive the right care and treatment. We need to record this information, together with the details of the care you receive, so that it is available each time we see you.

The information recorded about you may be used for reasons other than your personal care, for example, to help to protect the health of the general public, to plan for the future, to train staff and to carry out medical and other health research.

We are involved in research studies which require access to anonymous information from patients’ notes. You cannot be identified from these notes as all personal details (name, address, post code, full date of birth) are removed. Individual patients’ records are added into a much larger anonymous database from many patients across the UK which is used by researchers outside this practice. This data may be anonymously linked to other data, such as hospital data.

If you would like to opt out of this data collection scheme, please let your doctor know and your records will not be collected for use in the anonymous research database. This will not affect your care in any way.

If anything to do with the research would require that you provide additional information about yourself, you will be contacted by your GP to see if you are willing to take part; you will not be identified in any published results.

You have a right of access to your health records. If at any time you would like to know more, or have any concerns about how we use your information, please ask reception for more details.

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