Clinics & Services
Antenatal Services - This is now a self referral to the midwife.
Family Planning - We are able to give advice on family planning matters, and we prescribe oral and injectable contraception. Please telephone for an appointment. Coils (IUCDs) are fitted by the Family Planning Clinic, which also runs a Young Person’s Choices Clinic.
Women’s Health - for a cervical smear please ask for an appointment with Fiona or Melissa. You must bring your invitation letter or you will not be seen. If you also wish to discuss a ‘women’s health’ issue or gynaecological problem, please make an appointment.
Children’s Clinic - by appointment, for the immunisation of children under 5 years and for new baby checks.
Modern vaccines are very safe, so please think carefully before refusing to protect your child with immunisation. If you have any doubts, please talk to the doctor or health visitor, or ask for an explanatory leaflet.
Child developmental checks are carried out as follows:
- At around 6 weeks by the doctor at the surgery
- Other checks are carried out by the health visitor. Details are contained in your child’s health record book. To contact the health visitor, telephone 01303 858922
If you have not received the appropriate appointment for your child, please contact the surgery or the health visitor.
Minor Surgery - Dr Pulapalli holds a Minor Surgery session usually once a month on Thursdays, for steroid injections and removal of simple lumps and bumps. This is via invite only, and you must be referred by a clinician.
Blood Pressure Screening - We recommend that patients between the ages of 40 and 74 years have their blood pressure checked at least once a year. Please make an appointment with one of our health care assistants. If you have a home monitor, we can send a text message for you to send us your readings without having to book an appointment.
Asthma and COPD Clinic - by appointment with nurse , who has a diploma in respiratory disease management. Asthmatics and COPD patients should have an annual check-up and review of treatment. Please ask for an appointment.
Diabetes Clinic - by appointment with a nurse. Please have your letter in hand before making an appointment. Care is also provided by the community diabetes care nurse and the Paula Carr Diabetes Centre at the William Harvey Hospital. Diabetics should have an annual check-up, which generally includes blood tests, blood pressure check, microalbuminuria test, podiatry check and eye screening.
Eye Screening - (for Diabetics) annual diabetic eye screening is recommended and co-ordinated by the Paula Carr Centre. If you have not had this eye test in the past year - or are new to the area, you should contact the appointment line on 0333 456 0122.
Heart & Health Clinic - by appointment with the nurse. This clinic is to help patients identify risk factors associated with heart disease and stroke, with a view to prevention. Patients with heart problems, high blood pressure (hypertension) or a history of stroke should have (at least) an annual check-up, which includes a blood pressure check and blood tests, etc. as appropriate.
Anticoagulation Clinic - Nurse Justine Williams looks after our patients who are on regular warfarin therapy, to monitor their INR levels.
Smokers – there are many support services available to you to help you quit smoking. Please contact SMOKEFREE on 0800 849 4444
Foreign Travel Immunisation & Advice - for those patients travelling overseas, please click here.
Immunisations – including tetanus (with polio and diphtheria) and annual autumn influenza clinics. Some patients are also advised to have pneumococcal pneumonia protection, generally the same group of people who are eligible to have flu immunisation (excluding pregnant patients and carers). Please ask the nurse about this ‘once only’ immunisation.
Shingles vaccinations and Childhood Influenza vaccinations are available for specific age groups as defined by the Department of Health.
Meningitis C, diphtheria/tetanus/polio and MMR immunisations are recommended to all patients under 25 years of age, and are available at the surgery by appointment with the nurse, if the patient missed receiving a full course in the past.
Breast Screening for women between the ages of 50 and 70 is available every 3 years, and patients are contacted by the breast screening service direct. Women over 70 can self-refer for breast screening by contacting the Breast Screening Unit at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital.
Patients aged 16-74 years who have not needed to see a doctor in the past 3 years are invited for a brief health-check, as appropriate. Please make an appointment with nurse and bring a specimen of urine with you to the consultation.
NHS Health Checks - if you are aged between 40 and 74 you will receive an invite as part of a rolling programme for an NHS Health Check. If you have received your letter, please book an appointment with our Health Care Assistants.