Home Visits

Doctor's bag

House calls are for EMERGENCIES or for those patients who are too ill to leave home or are housebound.

In order to request a house call patients should call the surgery as early as possible( PREFERABLY BEFORE 10AM) during the hours of 8.25am till 5.30pm Monday to Friday. At all other times if a house call is needed please contact The Out of Hours Service on 111.

Calls will be carried out by whichever doctor is on duty on the day the call is requested. The duty doctor has the right to decide that a house call is not justified, and may decide to consult the patient by telephone, or offer an appropriate appointment at the surgery.

House calls will be prioritised at the discretion of the duty doctor, but this may not be on the same day as requested. To help us prioritise house calls, you may be asked some routine questions. Please do not worry about these, as they are simply to help us help you.


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