How to make a Referral to a Specialised Burn Services
There are five Specialised Burn Services within the SWUK Burn Care ODN. Click on the drop down list above to find out more about each service.
We recommend that you contact your nearest Specialised Burn Service for initial advice on assessment and management of a burn injury. You will then be advised to contact the most appropriate Specialised Burn Service in relation to the severity of the injury and given appropriate medical advice if required.
If you are unable to contact a Burn Service directly, please contact the National Burns Bed Bureau (NBBB) who will be able to advise on the nearest burns bed available to you. NBBB telephone number: 01384 679 036.
The SWUK ODN has approved the use of a single telemedicine system for referrals to specialised burn services. To access this referral system, please visit: This tele-referral service is available in all Specialised Burn Services within the SWUK ODN. Please see the Tele-referral section on this website for further information on the system and how to use it.
If you wish to notify the SWUK ODN of any referral incidents, please complete Incident Reporting Form and return to
Specialised Burn Care Service Referral Contact Details | Specialised Burn Care Service Referral Thresholds (A=Adult / C=Child) | When to Refer to a Specialised Burn Care Service |
SWANSEA - Adults & ChildrenMorriston Hospital Switch: 01792 702222 ext 23882 / 55 NHS Wales: 0188 23882 / 55 8:00-17:00: Burns Consultant of the day 17:00-08:00: Burns Consultant on call Tele-referral: |
For more details on referral criteria see following documents:
SWUK Referral Guidance Diagram Paediatrics V2 May19 Small Paediatric Burns Referral Criteria SWUK Referral Guidance Diagram Adults V2 May19 SWUK Tele-Referral Guideline 
| The suggested minimum threshold for referral into Specialised Burn Services can be summarised as: - All burns ≥2% TBSA in children or ≥3% TBSA in adults
- All full thickness burns
- All circumferential burns
- Any burn not healed in 2 weeks
- Any burn with suspicion of non-accidental injury should be referred to a Burn Unit/Centre for expert assessment within 24 hours
In addition, the following factors should prompt a discussion with a Consultant in a Specialised Burn Service and consideration given to referral: - All burns to hands, feet, face, perineum or genitalia
- Any chemical, electrical or friction burn
- Any cold injury
- Any unwell/febrile child with a burn
- Any concerns regarding burn injuries and co-morbidities that may affect treatment or healing of the burn
If the above criteria/threshold is not met then continue with local care and dressings as required. If burn wound changes in appearance / shows signs of infection or there are concerns regarding healing then discuss with your nearest Specialised Burn Service. If there is any suspicion of Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) then refer early. It is unusual for burn injured patients to be taken directly to a Specialised Burn Service. Emergency retrieval services should follow the transfer pathway for Major Trauma patients. Read more about this in the Transferring a Patient section of this website. National guidance on the referral pathway of burn-injured patients is also available via The National Burn Care Referral Guidance (2012) published by the National Network for Burn Care (NNBC).
BRISTOL - Children Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Tel: 0117 342 7901 Switch: 0117 923 0000 (Burns on-call) Tele-referral: |
BRISTOL - Adults Southmead Hospital Tel: 0117 950 5050 Bleep 1311 Ask for Plastics on-call (Burns on-call) Tele-referral: |
SALISBURY - Adults & ChildrenSalisbury District Hospital Tel: 01722 345 507 Switch: 01722 336262 (Burns on-call) Tele-referral: |
PLYMOUTH - ChildrenDerriford Hospital Tel: 01752 245122 Switch: 01752 202082 (Burns on-call) Tele-referral: |
PLYMOUTH - AdultsDerriford Hospital Tel: 01752 792274 Switch: 01752 202082 (Burns on-call) Tele-referral: |