SWUK Burn Care ODN - Psychology Specialist Interest Group

The SWUK ODN Psychology Specialist Interest Group (SIG) membership is made up of Clinical Psychologists from the Burn Care Services in Bristol (paediatric and adult), Swansea and Salisbury.  Unfortunately, there is currently no psychology service for burns patients available in the Plymouth.  The group meets on a quarterly basis and provides a report at each SWUK ODN Board meeting.

The aim of the group is to provide expert, professional advice to the Board on matters related to psychological care across the whole pathway of burn care. The objective of the group is to develop and deliver a project-based work programme, focusing on the need to constantly seek improvements in patient care and standards and to seek consistency in the delivery of care across the whole network.  

A recent project completed by the group includes agreeing a referral pathway for the psychology services and each psychologist is also working within their service to develop a referral pathway to local mental health services. A gap analysis has been undertaken of psychology support available and is ongoing in each of the Specialised Burns Services. The group will also be working with the other sub-groups to ensure each Specialised Burn Service has a transition pathway meeting the recommendations of the NICE Guidelines on Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services (2016)  for patients transitioning from paediatric to adult Burn Care Services.

The current lead for the Psychology SIG is Dr Julia Cadogan, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, SWUK Paediatric Burns Centre, Bristol.  This role rotates each year.

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