Strang Corner Field, Braddan, Isle of Man, IM2 3TD,, Tel: 01624 623931
Masks are no longer mandatory but you may be requested to wear one when attending the practice.
If you would like to leave us some anonymised feedback you can do so via this link. Constructive criticisms and suggestions as well as anything positive would be welcomed
Below is a link to a short online Friends & Family survey created by Manx Care. Please feel free to complete. The results are compiled and analysed regularly and we receive feedback from Manx Care.
(Please select Primary Care Services in response to Question 1.)
Palatine Friends and Family Feb 15.pdf
Please click on the links below to read our latest reports:
PRG Survey & Report 2014
Contact the Patient Group with your feedback, suggestion, comment or question. Please do not use this form for complaints - these should always be directed to the Practice Manager
Note that by using this form, you will be sending information about yourself across the Internet. Whilst every effort is made to keep this information secure, you should be aware that we cannot offer any guarantees of absolute privacy. If this matter concerns you then you should use another method to notify us of your comment.
Your IP address ( will be sent with your communication. In rare cases where abuse or criminal activity can be shown to have taken place this may be used by the authorities to trace you.