You can order repeat prescriptions via email tmedicalcentre@nhs.net please include your name/DOB/Address and items you wish to order.
We have made a slight change to our prescription form. The form is very similar to the existing form and self explanatory but you will need to delete any bookmarks you have to the existing form as it will no longer be available. Any details you have saved will no longer available
Repeat Prescriptions
You can order repeat prescriptions:
- Online via our secure form; click on the link at the top of this page.
- In writing
- By ticking the items on your prescription slips and handing them in at reception or you can put them in the post box located at the front of the surgery by the front door.
- Using the NHS App
Please note we do not take any prescription requests over the telephone to avoid mistakes.
Prescriptions will be ready to collect in 48 hours. If requesting your prescription by post please enclose a stamped addressed envelope and allow a week for this to be processed and returned.
Please order your medication in good time, do not run out of medication. Do not stockpile or over order your medicine as this leads to waste.
We offer a dispensing service for patients who live more than 1 mile away from a chemist - please ask at Reception for details.

Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.