Electronic Repeat Dispensing eRD
We are currently looking at increasing the usage of eRD which will enable patients to cut out the need to 'order' their repeat prescriptions on a monthly basis. We will, if you are on stable medication, arrange to issue a number of prescriptions direct to the chemist of your choice in advance of either 3, 6 or 12 months. If you are keen for this service to be available to you please contact us for more information. please see leaflet below.
Electronic Repeat Dispensing - Patient leaflet
Important notice
It is estimated that between 1-2% of the Greater Huddersfield prescribing budget (£350-£700k per year) is wasted due to poor repeat prescription ordering systems. This has increased by 3.5% on last year. In an effort to reduce this wastage, Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group has asked practices to implement a medicines waste reduction plan.
With effect from 1st April 2017 there are going to be significant changes to the way you order your prescriptions. In an effort to REDUCE our medicines wastage the practice will no longer allow Third Parties (local chemists or supermarket chains) to order your prescription for you unless there is a specific need agreed between yourself and the doctors. Third Parties have been advised of these changes and will redirect you back to the surgery if you request them to order on your behalf.
In addition, we are being pressured by NHS England to increase the usage of online ordering of medications and therefore with effect from the same date we will no longer be providing the facility to leave a telephone message to order your prescription. The only ways in which you can request medication will be either ordering online through our web-site (for which you will need to register by providing formal identification) or by bringing the right hand side of your prescription to the surgery. This can be handed over the reception desk OR left in the box provided just inside the surgery doorway.
We appreciate this may lead to some inconvenience and apologise in advance but we are under immense pressure to reduce our medicines wastage and become more efficient and reliant on the technology widely available.
Thank you for your co-operation and understand in this matter.
Dr R Ali
Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:
- In person - drop your repeat slip into reception with the required items clearly marked.
- By post - send it to us with a stamped addressed envelope if you want us to send it back to you.
- Online - follow the link at the top of this page to complete a simple registration.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

We are pleased to let you know about a new prescription service that is now available to patients of The Junction Surgery. The The Junction Prescription Service is an optional, new way for you to manage your repeat prescriptions.
- Order your repeat prescription medicines either by telephone, website, or mobile app, 24-hrs a day.
- If you prefer, a reminder can be sent when your repeat prescription request is due.
- You will not need to visit the surgery or go to a pharmacy for your authorised medicines.
- Your prescription medicine will be delivered to any convenient UK address. This free delivery could be to home, work or a carers address for example.
- You can discuss your medication with a pharmacist or ask for advice by phone or email.