Practice Management

Emma Hughes

Practice Manager

Our practice manager has overall responsibility for the smooth running and management of the practice on a daily basis. She can be contacted by phone or in writing if you have any non clinical queries or concerns, or wish to make any suggestions regarding improvement of the service offered by this Practice.

Ceri Tait

Deputy Practice Manager


Lynne Barry
Nicola Mansfield

Prescriptions Clerk

Helen Cornwall


Hollie Nash

Reception Manager

This group of ladies are fully trained and here to help you whether at the reception, or over the telephone. Any information requested by them is to help assist you and you can rest assured that the rules of confidentiality apply equally to all members of staff.

We have a small administrative team covering secretarial, patient medical record administration, clinical coding and prescriptions.

Jane Jennings
Claire Morgan


Michele Ennis


Lynn Beckett


Charlie Bird
Yvette Rose
Beth Rice
Gaynor Rice
Petra Bode
Diane Hunt
June McLoughlin
Nichola Davis
Miss Joanne Ferguson


Karen Weale

Medical Secretary

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