Patient Survey Results
We send patients a survey after some appointments at Kingsway Medical Centre
Over the last year, we have had 2254 responses to this survey.
When asked "Thinking about your GP practice overall, how was your experience of our service?", we got the below responses.
If you would like to complete our short, anonymous survey, please click below.

Patient Participation Group
Kingsway Medical Centre has a patient participation group who are occasionally sent surveys on ways to improve the practice
The group is made up of a mix of patients who visit the surgery regularly, occasionally and very rarely. The group includes:
Older People
People with long-term conditions
Mothers with babies and children
Young People
The working age population and those recently retired
People in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care
People experiencing a mental health problem
If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group please see Debbie in the reception team who can give you more information, or fill in and return the below form.
Patient Participation Group form