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Welcome to The Three Shires Medical Practice

We are a group practice with four surgeries in the villages of Colerne, Marshfield, Pucklechurch and Wick. We serve a large area of around 100 square miles. Each of our surgeries has a full compliment of staff, with onsite dispensary.

For opening times and Information about your surgery please click on your surgery name above.

At some surgeries you may be asked if you can travel to one of our other surgeries for some services, due to space constraints.

Covid-19 Vaccination   News Patient Access and PrescriptionsContact us onlineHealth Advice


 Patient Participation Group

Collective Action

Managing Partner Update- March 2025

Although an increase in our baseline budget has been announced from April 2025 which is welcome, we are concerned that much of this will be eaten up by compulsory increases in Employer's National Insurance, and higher National Living Wage bills for the Practice. We will keep you updated. Our MPs have been supportive.

Our Practice has been participating in Collective Action since November 2024, which will continue. This has allowed us to work at safe working capacity. I appreciate that there are times when patients may have to travel further or wait longer than they are used to.  Any Action by the practice will be in line with BMAs suggested actions here


We continue to have a blend of pre-booked, and on the day appointments. We will triage (assess) your phone call. If demand is high and we reach Capacity - we will ask you to complete an online request via the Contact us online button above.

Please submit your information there, so that we can safely advise you on managing your current health condition. We may direct you to other providers, such as Minor Injuries, Accident and Emergency departments or 111.  If you have difficulty filling in our online triage request, our reception staff can help you with this.

Shared Care

We will not be accepting new Shared Care agreements with secondary care or private providers as part of GP collective action. Please see here here  for more information

Friends of Three Shires

We are very grateful for the newly established Friends of Three Shires group which has been set up to assist with financing equipment and repairs that are not currently funded -but are of direct benefit to patients. You may see posters and other communications locally. So far community efforts have raised money towards equipment including ECG Machines, Pulse Oximeters and Examination Couches.

Dr Richard Greenway updated 10/3/2025

Covid Spring Booster Campaign

This year Spring Covid Booster Vaccinations will start in April 2025

We will be offering a number of clinics in all of our Surgeries  as in previous years including Marshfield Community Centre. You will be able to book at neighbouring practices in our PCN group as last year.

Invitations will be sent via text message or letter in week commencing 10th March 2025.  Text messages will contain a self-booking link. Please see  Spring Campaign Info leaflet March 2025

Click on the Flu & Covid for more information

Long Term Conditions

If you have a long-term condition such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, pre-diabetes, asthma or COPD you will be invited to annual review of your condition(s). We aim to review all long-term conditions in your birthday month.

We will let you know when you are able to book your appointment via a text message or a letter. You may need to see more than one clinician depending on your condition(s), however we will try and combine appointments where we can. 

For more information about the appointments please see the leaflets below. 

Long Term Health Condition Yearly Review info

Yearly Diabetes Review Info

Mental Health Annual Review

High Blood Pressure Information Leaflet

Is your long-term health condition affecting your mood or causing worry? NHS Talking Therapies could help! They provide practical mental health support which is proven to people to help improve their mood and live better with a health condition.

Find out more in this short Youtube video: NHS Talking Therapies - Long Term Health Conditions

You can contact NHS Talking Therapies directly with any questions or to request an appointment: call 0333 200 1893, or visit the website: 

Childhood Vaccinations

Childhood Vaccination Info

Community Pharmacies

For access to community pharmacies during bank holidays please see find a pharmacy webpage

PPE and Masks

For Practice Administration Staff not in direct patient contact, or behind screens, masks are optional. Clinical staff will continue to wear PPE when seeing patients, but will assess risk individually. We continue to ask patients to wear masks when seeing clinicians face to face, and while waiting in the waiting room for any period. This is very important if you are ill, cough cold or temperature due to the risk of infecting vulnerable people in the surgery. Many thanks for your continued co-operation. 

Firearms Application
Medical Reports- Feb 2022
new Fee

In January 2022 , the Police Firearms Licensing Authority have introduced stricter checks on new firearms applications and renewals. They now have asked applicants to obtain a report from their GP prior to renewal. This new process is comprehensive and time consuming for us, involving a GP reading an entire medical record, and vouching for the presence or absence of medical conditions. Although we understand their position, they have declined to fund or pay for this process which they have effectively transferred to the NHS. Due to the complexity of this, we will now charge £86.67 +VAT  for completion of these forms, which we have to return directly to the licensing authority.


Social Prescribing Comes to Three Shires

To find out how the Social Prescribing Team can support you please read these information guides Information Sheet  Leaflet  

Green Social Prescribing in your area  - find out about the Health Benefits of Green & Blue Spaces 

 Living Well for Older Adults- An Information leaflet designed to help you stay in control of your own health 

Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support

Every Mind Matters

Every Mind Matters - NHS (

Find your little big thing for your mental health:

There are little things we can all do to lift our mood or ease our anxiety – we need to find what works for us. This could be as simple as taking a walk in nature, prioritising our sleep or opening up to a friend. Our little thing, if we keep doing it, will make a big difference to how we feel.

NHS Talking Therapies

Are you feeling low, worried or stressed? NHS Talking Therapies could help! They provide practical support which is proven to help people improve their mood.

You can contact NHS Talking Therapies directly with any questions or to request an appointment: call 0333 200 1893, or visit the website:

For more information about NHS Talking Therapies you can also visit visit: NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression - NHS (

Friends and Family Test

We would like to hear your feedback! CLICK HERE

We will be submitting monthly returns of your feedback. This could be from patients, families or visitors to our surgeries.

Improved Access 

We are working together with other local practices to offer more appointments in the early mornings, evenings or at weekends. Please contact your Surgery if you require more information.

Working within our current staffing capacity we are doing our best to ensure that you have access to additional appointments outside of core hours.  As a result you may be offered an early morning or evening appointment. If this is something you would prefer please ask about availability when booking an appointment.


Link to Midos - Find Medical Services near you

CQC  Rating - Good

(Site updated 12/03/2025)