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PROSPECTIVE ONLINE ACCESS Practice Statement Oct 2023

New Phone system May 2024 -see notice on home page

Food Banks

A 6 month pilot scheme has been launched for anyone in need. Food bank vouchers are now available from the Three Shires Surgery in Colerne Tel 01225 742028.  Vouchers can be redeemed for food supplies at the Corsham Food bank. Tues. 10- 11:30 & Sat 10- 12noon.


In an emergency you can ring direct to Corsham Foodbank for help Tel No 07788115095Website: - For those unable to visit Corsham Foodbank Emergency Food supplies available in Colerne. Request help via 07754512665


Colerne Mini Larder

For anyone in need, St John’s Church are providing a mini larder in the south porch of the church, containing tinned and dried food & toiletries, (see Notice Board by the Church Gate) Take what you need, no need to ask. Those who can, just contribute when you are able, through the Food Bank Collecting box in Colerne News.

Shirley Willcox Colerne Foodbank Coordinator


Pucklechurch Surgery also has a food bank collection point located in the waiting area, should you wish to make donations.

NHS IT and Amazon Web Services
We have been asked to let our patients know that a number of NHS IT companies, including EMIS and Docman -who own operate IT systems, are currently using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to store clinical records information. EMIS is large GP medical records provider which is used in around half of all UK GP patients (40 million records) , and the cloud servers it uses are approved by the department of health. As a practice, we don't have much control over national decisions like this, but we have been assured that AWS is safe and secure. AWS is used by numerous large companies such as the BBC and Netflix amongst others. 

NHS Healthchecks - click here for South Glos Website

Practice Newsletter available - Read now

Covid-19 Vaccination Latest

WorkWell West

WorkWell is a free support programme for individuals with health conditions who are looking to return to work, stay employed, or find new job opportunities. A partnership between the NHS, Bristol City Council, DWP and local councils, it helps people in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire overcome health-related barriers to employment. WorkWell connects participants with a wide network of partners, including GPs, employers, Job Centres, and community organisations.

Watch this short information video: 

To self-refer follow this link:,


Phone number: 0117 922 3623


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Health News from the BBC and the NHS

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