Welcome to Duncan Street
Primary Care Centre
Welcome to Duncan Street Primary Care Centre. The information in this website should help you get the most from your practice. Our aim is to always provide you with excellent service. All members of the team; clinical and non-clinical staff are committed to providing this for you.
Our clinical team consists of:
- Doctors, nurses and health care assistants. Other professionals: that visit the practice to see and treat patients. Your practice also has an attached social worker.
We have clinics for patients with specific diseases:
- Asthma, diabetes, drug monitoring patients taking warfarin or on medication for rheumatoid arthritis.
- We also provide maternity services, childhood immunisations and minor surgery.
There are facilities for disabled patients, these include: a parking space, a lift and ramp access for wheelchairs. A wheelchair is available for patients who have difficulty walking from the waiting rooms to the consulting rooms.
The clinical team is fully supported by a management and administration team:
- Receptionists, administrators, secretaries and managers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask to speak with one of the reception supervisors, or the practice manager.
Latest News
Our telephones calls will be covered by the out of hours service on the following dates
Every Thursday from 1.00pm
until further notice
Public Health England (PHE) has advised of a potential scam involving a text message being sent to some women claiming to be from the NHS Cervical Screening Programme “Call and Recall” service.
The text message advises that the recipient is overdue for their cervical screening test (smear test) and to call a mobile number to book an appointment and provide personal details.
These text messages are NOT from the NHS cervical screening programme, please DO NOT disclose any personal information should you receive this message.
This has been reported to the Action Fraud Line.
For more information on cervical screening, please visit the NHS website.
Please click on links below for the latest advice
Stay safe be Kind
Contact details:
Stay safe and be kind -
If you require help or assistance you can contact stay safe and be kind at Wolverhampton either by email staysafebekind@wolverhampton.gov.uk or call 01902 240241, and patients who are deaf or have hearing difficulties can text 07973 715814
National GP Survey Results
Please click on the link below to view the results of the National GP Survey for our surgery
Reference Group Meeting
Thursday 17th October 2019
Click here for the Minutes
Consult with your doctor online
Wolverhampton Total Health Hub
The surgery is part of the Wolverhampton Total Health Hub, as from 19th November 2018 the following surgeries are grouped within our hub
Duncan Street Primary Care Centre
East Park Medical Centre
Fordhouses Medical Centre
Newbridge Surgery
Tudor Medical Centre
Whitmore Reans Medical Practice
There will be evening appointments available to book every Wednesday as from Wednesday 5th September 2018
(General Data Protection Regulation)
Please click here for the Privacy information leaflet for children
Please click here for the Privacy Information Leaflet
Care Navigation
Patient On-line services
We have now extended our on-line services to enable patients to book and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions as well as been able to view their own records.
If you would like to use these on-line services, please click on the link below, complete the form and bring it to the surgery with your ID.
Patient On-line Access
Please click on link below to the local sexual health service Embrace
NEW: More GP Appointments released
Over the next three months we are working with NHS England to offer extra GP appointments. This is because we know that there are times you want to be able to see a GP at short notice. We also know that over winter lots of people have seasonal illnesses which require more than a pharmacy but don’t need emergency treatment.
The extra appointments are bookable on the day by ringing reception on 01902 459076 or by booking online
If you haven’t yet signed up for GP Online Services simply call into the practice with two forms of photo ID and proof of address. We can sign you up there and then. GP Online Services makes it easy to book appointments online, request repeat prescriptions and view some of your medical records. Find out more about this on www.nhs.uk/GPonlineservices
If you are not able to attend an appointment you have booked, for whatever reason, please let us know. We can then offer that appointment to someone else that needs it.
The accessible information standard is a new mandatory standard that all NHS and publicly funded adult social care services must follow. For more information please click link below
Named GP
As from 1st April all our patients will have a named gp.
Free NHS Health Check
If you are aged between 40 and 74 and have not been previously diagnosed with any of the following conditions:
- Dementia
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Kidney Disease
- Stroke
Then you are entitled to have a free NHS check. The health check will take about 20-30 minutes and you will be asked a few simple questions about your family history and lifestyle choices for example the types of food you eat or the amount of alcohol you drink. You will have your height, weight and blood pressure checked and a simple blood test to check your cholesterol level.
This check will help to identify any potential risks to your future health and also help you to find ways to help reduce those risks.
If you would like to book in for a health check please just ask at the reception desk and you will be offered an appointment with one of our healthcare assistants.
Thank you.
Cough's and Cold's season
This leaflet shows you what to expect with most common infections [click on the link]:
Common infections
Viral infections
Many common infections of the nose, throat, sinuses, ears, and chest are caused by germs called viruses. Flu-like illnesses are also caused by viruses. Diarrhoea and/or being sick (vomiting) are often due to a viral infection of the gut. If you are normally well, your defence (immune) system is good at fighting off many types of viral infection. An antibiotic medicine is not needed if a virus is causing an infection. This is because:
- Antibiotics do not kill viruses. Antibiotics only kill germs called bacteria.
- Antibiotics may cause side-effects such as diarrhoea, rashes, feeling sick, etc.
- Overuse of antibiotics when they have not been necessary has led to some bacteria becoming resistant to them. This means that some antibiotics might not be as effective when they are really needed.
You may feel unwell for several days or more until a viral infection clears. Treatment aims to ease symptoms. Treatments that are commonly advised for viral infections include the following:
- Paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce a high temperature (fever), and to ease aches, pains, and headaches.
- Making sure you drink enough to prevent mild loss of water from the body (dehydration). Dehydration may develop if you have a high temperature, and it can make a headache and tiredness much worse.
- Do not wrap up, but try to cool down if you have a high temperature. This is particularly important in children. If a child has a high temperature then take their clothes off (in a warm, but not hot, room) and consider giving some paracetamol or ibuprofen.
What about bacterial infections?
The body can clear most infections with germs called bacteria. However, some infections do require antibiotics.
What if symptoms change?
Occasionally, mild infections caused by germs (viral or bacterial) develop into more serious infections. See a doctor to review the situation if the illness appears to change, becomes worse, does not go after a few days, or if you are worried about any new symptom that develops.
NEW! On-line service
We have now extended our on-line services to enable patients to book and cancel appointments as well as order repeat prescriptions.
If you would like to use these on-line services, please request a letter from reception.
A&E Appointments
Accident and emergency departments are being "unnecessarily burdened" with millions of people visiting for minor ailments like stubbed toes, nose bleeds, coughs and colds.
Unnecessary visits to A&E departments are costing the NHS an average of £80million to £100million each year. Each A&E attendance in the UK cost is £80 and if the patient is not even seen this still costs £53 each time.
Every minute that an A&E doctor or nurse spends treating very minor problems reduces the time they can spend helping those who have suffered from heart attacks, strokes and life threatening injuries.
Please help to cut these costs by only attending A&E for real Accidents and Emergencies.
Out Of Hours Service
If you have a medical problem outside of our surgery hours that you feel cannot wait until the surgery opens again you need to telephone:
You can also get medical advice from your local Pharmacy.
For information on our upcoming events please click here
(Site updated 20/02/2024)