Are You a Carer?
Do you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled, has mental health or substance misuse problems? If this person would not be able to manage without you, or would have difficulty, you are a carer.
By registering that you are a carer with the Practice it could mean that we are able to offer you more support Click Here to complete a carers registration form.
There is a wealth of information on NHS Website about carers and caring. Below are some links that we hope you will find useful.
Support for Carers
Every second Wednesday of the month Senior Carers Support Officer, Neil McIntosh from Carers Support Centre, offers a ‘Carers Surgery’ for the patients via phone. Neil can help you understand more about what help and support is available to you as a carer, including:
- advise on Welfare Benefits and entitlements
- having a Carers Assessment
- applying for a Carers Emergency Card
- referring you on for further support such as counselling, carers groups, training courses and workshops
To book an appointment please contact your surgery directly
You can also register with your local Carers Support Centre and find out about support in your area:
South Gloucestershire Carers Support
0117 965 2200
Wiltshire Carers Support
0800 181 4118
Bath Carers Centre
0800 0388 885
Online Carer Support
Carers UK
Carents - for people caring for elderly parents or relative
Your Health
If you feel that your health is suffering due to looking after someone, please make an appointment to see a clinician. Your surgery can help you to look after your own health needs with knowledge of your caring role.
Additional Support from the Practice
Victoria is our carer lead and can connect you with services that can support you including social prescribing.
Email her on or speak to the reception team at your surgery.
For more information on social prescribing: