Welcome to Duncan Street Primary Care Centre Patent Reference Group
The Partners and manager of Duncan Street Primary Care Centre have always valued the views of our patients and want to explore ways of improving communications to enlist their views about our services and how these are developed. The practice is setting up a Patient Reference Group to give us feedback on the range and quality of our services and tell us where we can improve.
What is a Patient Reference Group (PRG)?
It is a group of volunteer patients involved in shaping future services to be provided to patients.
It will promote proactive engagement with our patients and undertake local surveys. The group would meet regularly to discuss issues and ways of improving services for the benefit of patients.
What issues would a PRG look at?
A PRG could work with the practice on issues such as access to appointments, both same day and book ahead, but will also look at issues such as continuity of care, the range of skills available, mechanisms to access practices and geographical access. The issues to look at would be discussed and agreed between the PRG and the practice.
Terms of Reference and Aims and Objectives of the Group would need to be agreed with the PRG and the practice.
What then?
Once the priority areas were agreed, the practice would undertake and collate surveys, discuss the survey results with the PRG, agree the action plan with the PRG then publicise those actions on the practice website and NHS Choices Website. We do have a starting point with a survey recently completed.
OK, I'm interested, what do I do?
Look out for information about our first meeting, either posted on our website or NHS Choices website or by completing the enclosed contact details we will be in touch with you directly. If you are one of our patients, and want a say in improving the service we give and want to take part in discussion and decision making, and then please consider joining our PRG. If you are genuinely interested in joining the group, please complete the enclosed form and forward this to Jacqui Squire, practice manager.
Why are you asking people for their contact details?
We want to talk to people about the surgery and how well we are doing to identify areas for improvement.
Who else will be able to access my contact details?
No-one beyond the practice.
How often will the group meet?
The group will meet quarterly and the aim is that by working together we can continue to develop and improve the services we are able to offer patients.
Do I have to take part in the group?
No, but if you change your mind, please let us know.
What if I no longer wish to be on the PRG or I leave the surgery?
We will ask you to let us know if you do not wish to remain on the PRG. If you leave the practice, you will no longer be eligible to remain on the group anyway.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Either one of the GP Partners at the practice or Jacqui Squire, practice manager.
If you wish to join our PRG please complete the enclosed form here and hand it into reception or e-mail it to us.
Patient Reference Group Meeting Dates
Thursday 12th March 2020 at 2pm - CANCELLED
PRG - Minutes and Reports
Minutes for meeting held 17/10/19 - please click here
Minutes for meeting held 14/03/19 - please click here
Minutes for meeting held 08/11/18 - please click here
Minutes for meeting held 05/07/18 - please click here
Minutes for meeting held 05/04/18 - please click here
Minutes for meeting held 20/10/17 - please click here