New Patient Registration

If you stay within our practice boundary for more than 3 months, you may want to register with us as a permanent patient. Please download a registrations form by clicking on the following link and complete aNew Patient Questionnaire  and either email this to You can also post them or hand these in to us.

(These forms are PDF documents and require PDF reader software to open them. This can be downloaded free from . If you can't open these forms in your browser please right-click them and save to your computer to open in a PDF reader).

Please note that we need those 2 forms for each member of the family.

More information on registerting with a GP practice can be found here:

NHS Inform: registering-with-a-gp-practice

You are not registered with the practice until you have signed the GPR form and the GP partner has accepted your registration.

You will register with the practice, not with a particular doctor. You may ask to see a particular doctor if you wish, but this may mean a longer wait for an appointment. Please note that we need to register new born babies as soon as possible.

We may ask you to come in for a new patient appointment, where a brief history of previous illnesses can be taken and routine checks of blood pressure etc. may be made. The information gathered at this examination is important because it may be some time before your previous medical records are sent to the practice.

If you are not registered with us, but need to be seen as an emergency or as a temporary resident (if you are in the area for less than 3 months), please fill in the TR form and either print it out and take to our reception desk or email/fax it to us prior to your appointment. Please note that we need time to get your details on the clinical system BEFORE you can be seen by the GP or nurse, so to avoid a delay please allow at least 1/2 hour before your appointment or ideally hand in the form as soon as possible.

Emergency Care Summary

What is an emergency care summary (ECS)?

All patients in Scotland have, or will have something called an Emergency Care Summary.

This is a summary of basic information about your health which might be important if you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, or when you go to an accident and emergency department. It means that all NHS staff looking after you can get important information about your health, even if they cannot contact your GP surgery.  Read more HERE

Facilities for Disabled Patients

There are designated disabled parking spaces in front of our building and the surgery’s main entrance has a ramp for wheel chair access. The surgery is a single storey building so wheel chair access is possible to all our consulting rooms. The surgery has a designated disabled toilet as well as toilet facilities for the able-bodied.

Patient Information Leaflet

Practice Leaflet click on the link to download our patient information leaflet


The practice is keen to identify any patients who are carers. Should any patient think that they fall into this category, they should speak to either their GP or the Business Manager for clarification.

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