Repeat Prescriptions
For patients on regular medication the doctor may arrange issue of repeat prescriptions without requiring an appointment. You will be given a re-order form with details of your repeat medicines.
When you need to order a repeat prescription please tick the items you require on the re-order form then either:
- Post it to Repeat Prescriptions, Fortrose Medical Practice, Station Road, Fortrose, Ross-shire IV10 8SY
- Bring the re-order form to the surgery and put it in the box at reception
- Via our secure online form (click on the link at the top of this page)
- NEW via our Patient Services online service (registration details below)
The prescription can then either be collected from the surgery (if so requested) after 2 business days (not counting weekends or bank holidays). If you ask for collection from the chemist we will send your prescription to the requested chemist. Note that the chemist usually also requires 3 days to have your prescription ready for collection, so it is important that you order your repeats in time to avoid running out. We would usually advise you to re-order if you are down to 1 week's supply.
Please note that we do not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions, unless by prior arrangement for the elderly frail and housebound patients.
If you risk running out of your medication and the practice is closed you can contact your pharmacy for an emergency supply. The practice will be informed by the pharmacy. Alternatively, you can contact NHS24 on 111 around the clock for help.
How to order your Prescription - Patient Information Leaflet
Online Prescriptions
Patients can now order their medications through our new online services portal. Within the prescriptions section you will be able to see the list of your repeat medication, simply select the items you wish to request from the list. Once we receive your request you can check on the progress of your request from this screen too. To register please complete the one page registration formand bring into the Practice with two forms of ID e.g. driving licence and one proof of residence e.g. utility bill. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with instruction of how to create your log-in. Please note that you must be aged 16 years or older to register for online services.
Access to the online portal can be found at Patient Services
Chronic Medication Service (CMS) Serial Prescriptions
A serial prescription looks like your normal prescription but is issued by your GP surgery for 24 or 48 weeks. This saves the GP surgery time in issuing repeat prescriptions and makes collecting prescriptions much easier for you and the pharmacy. It will be issued in intervals by the pharmacy (usually 4 or 8 weeks). This will be dispensed by the pharmacy when it is due so it will be ready for you to collect before you run out of medication. You will not need to reorder the items on your serial prescription from the surgery or pharmacy. Further information can be found in the CMS Patient Information leaflet.
Return of Medicines and Drugs
Please return all unused medicines and drugs to your local Chemist or Pharmacy and not to the surgery. We do not have the facilities to dispose of unused medicines and drugs and are no longer allowed to accept them. Your co-operation is appreciated.