Latest News

New GP

We are very pleased to announce Dr Mark Egan has joined the practice from Monday 8th April.  Dr Egan will hold surgery on a Monday & Tuesday morning and also Tuesday & Friday afternoon.

Join us on a Parkrun

We are very pleased to announce we have become a Parkrun Practice linked to Upton House Parkrun. Come and join us on the first Saturday of every month, all fitness levels welcome.  Our first one is Saturday 6th Jan.  Meet us at Upton Country Park by the Welcome Centre in the main car park at 8.45am.

Shortages in GLP-1 RA medication

Due to nationwide manufacturing issues there are shortages of GLP-1 RA medication. We are in the process of contacting current users of this medication, but in the meantime, please see the information contained in this advice sheet for those people coming off these medications, to help minimise weight gain and improve blood glucose levels.

weight loss injectables information

53 appointments were not attended in August 2024

Please let us know if you are unable to attend your appointment.  Many patients are wanting to see a GP but can't because we are full, so please let us know so another patient can make use of it.

Thank you.

NHS data opt-out - update your preferences

We have been contacted by a number of our patients requesting to update their preferences for the national data opt out. If you do not wish your data to be shared outside of your GP practice for purposes except your own care, you can register an opt-out with your GP practice, this is known as a type 1 opt out.

You need to print, complete and return this type 1 opt-out form to us here at the surgery to register your preference to opt out.

You can read our GDPR privacy notice here.

You can also read more about the NHS National Data Opt-Out here, please also see the myths around this process.

Dispensary Phone Lines opening times

The dispensary phone lines are open daily from 9am - 10.30am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm only. please do not call the reception team with a dispensary query outside of these times as they will not be able to assist you.

We have implemented a text service which lets you know when your medication is ready to collect to save you calling the dispensary to ask. Please speak to our dispensers when you next visit the surgery to sign up for this service. The surgery policy for medication is a 48 hour turnaround, except HRT and contraceptive pill requests, please see the relevant pages in the prescriptions section of the website.

To contact dispensary during the opening times as listed above, please call 01929 401265.

COVID-19 - help with mental health

The coronavirus pandemic has had an effect of all of us in may different ways.  The anxiety and the isolation can have an impact on your wellbeing and mental health.  Despite lots of services currently unavailable there is still help out there.  Locally in Wareham we had the Community Front Room which is still there but now working remotely.  Click on the link below to access more information.

Dorset Healthcare have also put together a Useful Contacts document which you can access by clicking this link : Useful Contacts



As a Practice we are very aware that visiting your GP can, at times, be stressful and concerning for patients.


Delays in obtaining appointments and delays in surgery times, due to unforeseen emergency appointments, can also add to these concerns.


We always strive to meet patient expectation and deliver the highest standards of healthcare. For the vast majority of our patients we achieve this, despite the finite resources and steadily increasing demand for services that exists today within the NHS.


Our staff come to work to care for others, and it is important for all members of the public and our staff to be treated with respect.


In line with the rest of the NHS and to ensure this is fully observed we have instigated a Dignity at Work and Zero Tolerance policy, whereby aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Any patient who verbally abuses a member of practice staff will be sent a letter from the Practice confirming that this behaviour will not be tolerated.


Any future violation of this policy may result in removal from the Practice patient list.


PLEASE NOTE: The Police will be called in all cases of violence.


The Practice feels sure you will understand that proper behaviour is absolutely necessary for our staff and patients and that non-observance will not be accepted.


Dr Allison French, Dr Richard Mugford and Dr Andrew Dennison.

Medication Reviews

PLEASE NOTE: The way we administrate medication reviews has changed. It is your responsibility to make appointments for reviews. If your review is due you will be informed either by Dispensary, the chemist or by a message on your prescription. If you fail to make an appointment for a review we will then write to you. We have no wish to withhold medication but hope you will understand the importance of regular reviews. IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF YOUR REVIEW DATE PLEASE ASK AT EITHER DISPENSARY OR RECEPTION.

Thank you.


The Wellbridge Practice now has a specialist health coach within the surgery to support you to feel more confident about managing your health and the impact it has on your day to day life.


This free confidential service is for anyone over the age of 18 who has a health condition or is a carer. The health coach has up to six session of 45 minutes with you. These sessions are here at The Wellbridge Practice.

To ask for a referral, please contact any member of staff at The Wellbridge Practice.

For more information about this service please click on this link Health Coaching



The Purbeck Mile is being introduced to encourage patients to complete a circular 1 or 2 mile walk starting at their GP Surgery. The aim is to increase people’s participation in walking. Short walks have been proven to improve physical and mental health. It is recommended that EVERYONE should walk for at least 150 minutes per week.





We now have a laminated map on the outside of the surgery building showing both a 1 mile and 2 mile walk from the surgery.

You can also pick up a paper copy of the map from reception.

Please note if you follow the walks on your own you do so at your own risk.



We are working to improve access to appointments for our patients, in particular at evenings and weekends. If you would like to be offered one of these appointments, please ask. These appointments are available at Poole Hospital.

Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS)

 CARE QUALITY COMMISSION (CQC) RATING - The Wellbridge Practice has been awarded a rating of GOOD across the board following our routine inspection on 9th January 2017.  You can read the full report by clicking on this link -  CQC Inspection Final Report

SHARING YOUR INFORMATION      - For more information about how and why we share your information please click here:  Sharing Your Information

ONLINE SERVICES - Find out how to get started with online services by clicking on this link:

Getting started with GP Online Services


All our registered patients have now been allocated a named "usual doctor" in the Practice.  Your named doctor will be responsible for your overall care at the Practice.    If you are not aware and would like to know who your usual doctor is please ask next time you visit the practice.  If you have a preference as to who your named GP is please let us know and we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate your request.  However, we cannot guarantee this. 


We are pleased to be able to offer a Bereavement Support Group here in the practice.

Bereavement Group

 this leaflet will give you more information.



All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GPs working in The Wellbridge Practice in the financial year (2015/16) was £43,406 before tax and National Insurance. This is for one full time GP, 5 part time GPs and no locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.


If you change your name, address, landline number or mobile number please let us know as soon as possible.

It is very important that we have up to date contact details for all our patients in case we need to contact you urgently. Please inform a member of our reception team of any changes to your contact details.


MYTH BUSTER (from Public Health England)

My child’s always getting colds and snuffles - is it OK for her/him to have immunisations?

If a baby has a minor illness without a fever, such as a cold or runny nose, they should have their immunisations as normal. If the baby is ill with a fever, the immunisation should be put off until they have recovered. This is to avoid the fever being associated with the vaccine, or the vaccine increasing the fever the child already has.

If a baby:

  • has a bleeding disorder (for example haemophilia, in which the baby’s blood does not clot properly), or
  • has had a fit not associated with fever

a doctor, practice nurse or health visitor should be consulted before he/she has any immunisations.

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website